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Is Nanyang International legitimate? The platform teacher maliciously shouted for orders and was deceived, causing me to lose all my hard-earned money

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preface:Recently, investors have consulted with meNanyang InternationalIs this platform regulated,Can we still recover losses if we lose money on this platform? Through its provided flattai台名称,我们查询Nanyang Internationalflattai权据:该平台网址域名成立时间很新。该平台宣称受中国zSupervised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, after investigation, relevant information on the China Securities Regulatory CommissionfuturesThe platform was not found in the company directory, indicating a false claim. It is an unregulated black platform that is still engaged in market fraud. We hope that investors who see it can be more vigilant, and investors who are learning about or making orders on this platform can take action in a timely manner to avoid further losses!不论你是在股票、现货、邮币卡、大宗商品、foreign exchange等哪里亏损都可以来找我们。Kaihao Legal AidQ896687492 Vjiahao9428

  (1).Approaching stock enthusiasts as analysts, teachers, mentors, etc. in some stock groups to gain trust;
  (2).Inviting victims to fake platforms for foreign exchange trading through group promotion and other means;
  (3).After a successful invitation, in the foreign exchange speculation group, internal personnel impersonate customers to create the illusion of quick profit in foreign exchange speculation, gradually eliminating the concerns of the victims;
  (4).Give the victim a taste of sweetness with small investment and large returns, and propose requirements such as profit sharing, in order to further win the victim's trust with seemingly reasonable regulations;
  (5).Grasp the victim's psychology and take the opportunity to offer conditions such as not sharing profits to lure the victim into the platform;
  (6).The platform backend artificially sets the probability of winning or losing, increasing the probability of victims losing money;When the victim makes a profit, set up numerous obstacles according to the situation to prevent withdrawal;When the victim invests a large amount of funds, they even directly seal, freeze, or delete the victim's platform account, in order to illegally occupy the victim's funds.

Nanyang International青阳一伙人诱导开户、恶意喊单騙巨额资金!
Exposure platform:Nanyang International
  操作品种:指数、crude oilgold
Real case:4month19日的时候被拉进一个股票交易群(群名:股海申筹),群里有为叫青阳的老师,一开始他是在群里讲股票知识点,后来给了一个直播间的链接让我们去直播间学习(直播间名称:一花一世界)。在直播间青阳老师也会分析股票、推荐牛股然后带大家集体建仓。在群里青阳老师和他的助理橙子则是通知股票代码,买点和卖点盈利点都会通知。到后面买的股票当天确实是涨,最后基本上都是止损出局,股票账户里基本没有赚钱还亏的。然后青阳老师说今年股票行情是真的不好,赚不了钱了,然后开始慢慢说炒指数可以赚钱还可以把股票亏损的赚回来,里面的青阳老师赚了很多钱,还说指数可以买涨买跌随时都可以卖出,不想股票那么死板,说的很好,还说只要跟青阳老师同进同出听指挥肯定能赚到钱,而且一周盈利200%。我最后没能经住诱惑就在群助理的帮助下开设了Nanyang International的交易账户,并入金了20万。一开始我想先试试到底是个啥,账户激活好进去开始做了。青阳老师在群里面统一喊单,说要同进同出,跟上步伐不然就不带着做了。开始我就感觉不是很对,首先滑点很严重,我问了橙子助理,他的解释说这是正常的大家都一样,想想算了。但是我发现跟着青阳老师做经常是赚少亏多。没几天时间20万亏的一份不剩,青阳老师说让我们相信他,让我继续入金说肯定会带我赚回来。一心想着翻本的我又入金了10万人民币,继续跟着青阳老师操作,但是结局还是一样跟着做的单子根本赚不到钱,自己操作的单子也怎么都是亏的,就好像和我对着干不管怎么样自己都是亏钱的。上述案例由本团队受理的受害者封先生自述,经其同意后公开展示!
  案件结果:我们接手封先生的案子后让其把喊单记录、银.that 's ok.flow.水、平台出入金记录交易记录等资料交给我们。我们发现Nanyang International公司利用自己架设的内盘操作平台,通过两会员单位发展客户在该平台进行外汇买卖。实际上,客户的钱根本没进入国际市场,买进卖出只是程序模拟的虚假交易,钱全部进入了骗子的口袋。据此,陈宇皓分析,大多数情况下,该平台应该是一个打着国际Foreign exchange futures名义在国内欺骗投资人的小公司了。陈宇皓让封先生下载所有的交易记录,导出所有的出入金记录,做好证据保留。团队律师随后为封先生起草相应法律文件,并正式提交给涉案公司,经过一周的加急处理!成功帮封先生追回在Nanyang International亏损资金30Wan!

lastKaihao Legal Aid团队提醒各位投资者:如果不小心掉入外汇黑平台陷阱,不要慌张,保持冷静,收集证据是可以追回的。Kaihao Legal Aid团队是专门从事外汇维权工作的,从今年2I have taken over since the beginning of the month2000Multiple foreign exchange financial fraud cases, helping1700多名投资者追回款项,所以在目前的外汇市场,我们有丰富的维权经验,并且我们有专业的律师团队,能够帮您成功解决外汇市场被骗亏损等维权问题,帮助您成功追回款项。Kaihao Legal Aid团队在这里像广大投资者承诺:不能帮你追回款项,坚决不收取任何费用,期间产生的费用我们自己来承担不论你是在股票、现货、邮币卡、大宗商品、外汇等哪里亏损都可以来找我们。Kaihao Legal AidQ896687492 Vjiahao9428
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