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Fang Yuan said Jin:9.29Gold stops falling and bullish, while crude oil rebounds strongly

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   一直在强调"金九银十",不是说gold白银会在九月十月涨多少多少。而是说依照以往的惯例,每年的九.十月起做黄金、白银等foreign exchange相关产品投资的朋友们更为活跃,行情也会相对波动较大,理所当然赚钱的机会就更多了。而九月十月甚至到年底,都是交易的大好时机,但建议大家有入市操作难或准备入市的朋友先找好领头羊。

Here is my current price order within the group. Real time updates every day. I usually have real-time layout of current price orders for everyone to keep up with. As a straightforward person, I won't keep accurate market trends. As long as I have accurate orders, I will enter the group through current price orders! (Fang Yuanguan WeChat:fysj87)
Fang Yuan said Jin:9.29Gold stops falling and bullish, while crude oil rebounds strongly885 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714576 Fang Yuan said Jin:9.29Gold stops falling and bullish, while crude oil rebounds strongly983 / author:Fang Yuan Talks about Gold / PostsID:1714576

Analysis of the trend of gold market;

   Spot Gold Wednesday(9month28day)大幅上涨2%,原因是美元的小幅回落重新点燃了黄金的避险吸引力,但大幅加息的前景仍使黄金价格接近两年半以来的低点。美市盘中,现货黄金大涨2%to1662.62dollar/盎司高点,为一周以来的最高水平,较日低回升48美元,收复了此前持续下跌造成的部分损失。此前的下跌拖累金价跌至2020year4The lowest level since the beginning of the month.

   金价飙升的背景是,美元从20年高点大幅下跌,缓解了黄金面临的压力,这被称为月末定盘模式。在地缘政治局势紧张之际,黄金被视为避险资产,因此从根本上讲,黄金仍有充足的理由反弹。此外,美国国债收益率在攀升至2008year1月以来的最高水平后也有所下降。美国10年期国债收益率最新下跌24.2Basis points, to3.705%,此前一度触及4.01%,为近15Breakthrough for the first time in years4%,而货币市场正准备迎接可能比预期持续更长时间的高利率。

   从日线来看,布林带有走平迹象,而均线也是走平,金价也是站稳MA5上方运行,所以日内我们回撤多,而重要的支撑就是日线的MA5The location is1644附近,这事日内只要做多点位。从H4来看,布林带开口,均线金叉走反弹,那么只要不破四小时的MA10位置,那么强势行情就会延续,如果下破的话,多头力度也不会很大,日内就看震荡了。我们交易一定要看好关键的多空分水岭去做,这样不管单子盈亏如何,我们都能平静的持有看利润。而从小周期来看,稍微激进的支撑位于1649Nearby;

所以日内为了防止踏空,我们可以在1649先多,给1644Increase in position, loss1636Look1660-1670!日内重点关注欧盘的强弱,欧盘强,美盘前的回撤继续多一次;欧判弱,美盘看探底回升!

crude oilMarket trend analysis;

   油价昨日大涨超5%,因美元从近期涨势中回软,美国国债收益率回落,而且美国燃料库存数据显示降幅大于预期,消费者需求出现反弹,西方和俄罗斯就北溪管道疑遭蓄意破坏致地缘紧张局势直线升级。日内重点关注美国第二季度实际GDP年化季率终值、美国截至9month24Number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the current week21:30美联储布拉德就美国经济前景发表讲话。

   原油昨天整体走势探底回升,亚盘慢跌之后,欧盘出现反弹,美盘得到延续并且一路上涨,中间虽有回落,但力度不大,特别是油价上破79.4之后,意味着行情不在弱势,我们就要开始去调整思路看反弹,昨日看空止损。这也是一个很正常的现象,毕竟行情的转折点来临时需要冷静分析,破位了我们就要调整,目前行情已经上破日线MA10位置,弱势行情不在,我们需要低多看涨,不管跌多少,至少跌不动了,我们低多是相对稳健的,日内关键的支撑位于80.3附近,这是下方顶底转换的位置,所以我们可以等待回撤80.3去多,给79.8Increase in position, loss78.8Look82-83.5!原油最近就不要去碰空单,尽量低多,我们紧抓趋势交易,空头来临时,我们一直空到底,但当多头来临时,我们就要一直死多!

    (Click on the avatar to view information and join the group. Apply for free and directly join the group to experience the experience. Order at the current price every day)3-5Single)

    Teacher Fang Yuan summarized the following reasons for the loss

  1Without the guidance of the teacher, I looked around for group orders and small cycles, chasing back and forth, and losing back and forth.

  2I have strong opinions and never trust anyone alone. I rely on the analysis of various teachers and make my own comprehensive orders. I saw it right, but I didn't enter the arena because I didn't have confidence. I saw it wrong,
       I've done it all, but I've lost and I'm extremely unhappy. I feel like the sky and the earth are dark.

  3Under the guidance of a teacher, always placing heavy orders and always looking backwards.

  4When you look right, earn a little money and you'll get out. When you look wrong, you'll set or lock orders, and always end up cutting at the lowest point or cutting all the links between heaven and earth.

  5The volatile market is doing well, but one day after heavy positions were chased back and forth, I developed a sense of fear towards the market and felt that every day was unilateral and I didn't dare to make orders, but in reality, every day was volatile

   Luck is the culprit for increasing risk, while hesitation is the culprit for missing opportunities. If the long line is gold and the short line is silver, then the band operation is diamond. Patience is the key to victory, confidence is the guarantee of success. Those who are willing to fight will not be good at it, and those who are good at it will not be good at it. I hope Fang Yuan's article can bring you benefits and ensure smooth sailing in your future investments. If you have any questions, you can talk to me. I am not only a guidance teacher, but also a friend worth making in your life. With rich experience, precise perspective, and sharp judgment, Fang Yuan captures the ever-changing market!

  This article is provided by Fang Yuan. I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Fang Yuan provides online solutions, returns losses, and provides one-on-one real-time guidance on WeChat. The above content belongs to personal suggestions. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only, at your own risk. Real time ideas are provided at current prices. Please indicate the source when reprinting.

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