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Li Lianying:11.26现货黄金晚间行情走势及原油短线操作建议附...

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When you see my article, Lianying can understand that you are looking for a teacher who can lead you to make stable profits. In complex market emergencies and institutional crashes, we cannot predict, but what we can do is to strictly implement stop loss measures when placing orders and maintain a calm attitude. With Teacher Li in place, you will not feel lucky to take orders and will not be lost when you cannot judge the market situation. A sudden change in the market is not scary. What's scary is that you can't react quickly, just wait, and even make wrong judgments. In the end, you miss the best opportunity to recover losses, even leading to further losses and missing opportunities to profit from the trend. Time is like flowing water, fleeting. Seize the moment and do not be overwhelmed by fear and surprise. Unwrapping orders requires patience, and it is even more important to have an exclusive solution that suits your needs. All the solutions you need are available with Teacher Li! Don't sit idly by! No matter how powerful Zhuge is, he still needs Liu Bei's search. Winning together only requires good cooperation and trust, as well as a willingness not to accept defeat. It's just that simple. If a friend is hesitant to take action on their own due to lack of confidence in the market, Teacher Li is your best guide! I, Li Lianying, will always be there, but if you don't even reach out, how can I help you? (Free group experience, provided daily)3-5Single)


Thursday(11month26日)美元指数小幅下跌,因美国经济数据的疲软和市场乐观情绪犹存;黄金近期在疫苗暴击下跌去近160美元,不过受初请失业金提振,目前勉强维持在1800上方;亚洲时段,现货黄金小幅上涨,现报1808.81dollar/Ounces, increase0.07%,因美国就业数据令人失望,且全球新冠病例激增,给经济迅速复苏前景蒙阴,并令传统风险资产的涨势暂歇。美国上周初请失业金人数进一步增加,表明新冠病毒感染病例的激增和商业限制正在推动裁员,并破坏劳动力市场的复苏。美联储11月政策会议记录显示,决策者认同资产购买支撑了经济。美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)部分委员表示,他们预计美联储最终将延长购买债券的年期。 一些分析师认为,鉴于近期新冠疫苗的紧张情况,金价涨势已触顶,但还有一些分析师表示,金价仍有上涨空间。

Analysis of International Gold Trends:


  从目前日线来看,指标和均线指标来看,该十字星代表震荡加速下跌的概率较大。首先指标macdDead cross continues to increase volume, agility indexsto也运行到超卖区域,指标显示弱势空头。其次均线指标呈现空头排列,并且布林带反向张口。第三大周期的空头,从昨日走势看反弹超级无力。黄金4Hour presentmacdLow dead fork shrinkage bonding, flexibility indexsto勾头向下修复。4小时趋势还是有反弹的迹象。但是从昨日的黄金价格走势看,反弹也是超级无力的状态。小时线当前macd属于三次金叉开口,并且灵动指标sto又一次运行到高位,同时小时线布林带三轨放平,承压均线MA60。今日我们重点关注的是两个阻力点,一个是昨日高点1817.6,一个是均线MA5nearby1827一线。今日短线操作上李联赢建议反弹做空为主,下方重点关注1800-1790支撑,上方首个阻力在周四高点1817.6, followed by1840一线阻力。行情千变万化,需要获取每日在线实时指导操作策略及解套策略,可直接添加本人一对一指导交流【yy57564】I will try my best to help you solve your problems.

Internationalcrude oil资讯解读:

Thursday(11month26日)美油继续上涨,却显得有些黔驴技穷,道明证券警告称,油价短期或将见顶,投资者不宜过分追高。亚洲时段,美油延续涨势,现报45.91dollar/Barrel, increase0.44%。因为原油库存意外下降促使油价延续涨势。此前有关疫苗将结束疫情并重振燃料需求的希望提振油价。  US Energy Information Administration(EIA)Data display, as of11month20During the current week, crude oil inventory decreased754000桶。凯投宏观(Capital Economics)在一份报告中称,“鉴于美国新增确诊病例数量仍非常高,我们认为,一旦疫苗能产生实质影响,可能不用等到明年需求就能回升至较为正常的水准。”不过道明证券警告称,油价短期或将见顶,投资者不宜过分追高。


  原油从日线来看,油价收成了连阳。但实体K线不大,且逼近了前高点上涨过程逼近前高,未放量突破之前。短线仍防止反复的探高回踩蓄势。整体趋势倾向于上涨,但目前处于蓄势破高的前段。什么时候能够发力完成突破,还是需要消息面的推动。单从技术结构上而言,节奏迂回缓慢。4小时仍处于慢性整理上扬,慢涨逼空的走法。小时图整理式台阶慢性上涨,今日的低点42.2当作今日的多头支撑位。在触及43.0水平位置后原油上涨趋于平缓,表现为震荡走势,原油在大级别上再次出现了上涨突破的走势,同时周线中阳线形态影响下,原油有进一步上行的概率。所以综合分析今日原油操作上李联赢建议以低位做多为主,高空为辅,上方短期重点关注46.2-46.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below44.5-44.0Frontline support.

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This article is written by Li Lianyingyy57564As a contributor, I interpret world economic news, analyze global investment trends, and conduct in-depth research on commodities such as crude oil, gold, and silver. Technical Director Li Lianying provides online solutions, loss recovery, and one-on-one real-time guidance. Due to the delayed nature of online push, the above content is my personal suggestion. Due to the timeliness of online publishing, it is for reference only and at my own risk. Please indicate the source for reprinting.

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