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Why invest in commodities without making a profit? be vigilant! Xinjiang Huibao Hanging Sheep Head and Selling Dog Meat

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Why invest in commodities without making a profit? be vigilant! Xinjiang Huibao Hanging Sheep Head and Selling Dog Meat
Preface: In today's society, do you have a pair of wise eyes to identify profit traps? When you discover abnormal losses, do you still have a lucky mentality and think that it may be better tomorrow. Are you vigilant in the face of teacher assistants inducing additional fees? Do you realize that you have fallen into the trap carefully designed by the black platform for frequent losses? Do you know that you have been deceived after being kicked out of the group after refusing to pay a fee? I am Zhang Jin, a legal aid who borrowed your wise eyes to help you break through numerous traps and see the light again.
Rights Protection Consultation: Zhang Jin Legal Aid(V:cxc931211,Q:2742906573)
Exposure.Optical platform: Xinjiang Huibao
Trading products: raisins, saffron, tomato sauce, fragrant pears, cantaloupe, red dates, dried roses, dried apricots, and almond wood
Delivery method: one-to-one delivery, group delivery, and live streaming delivery
Teachers with orders: Berlin, Zhiyuan, Baiyuan, Xu Yuan
Led by a single group: Bai Cai Zhongchang
Mr. Zhao is a victim of investment in agricultural products in Huibao, Xinjiang. Because it is difficult to make money in business, I am looking for another way to make money. Coincidentally, Mr. Zhao coincidentally received information from the Xinjiang Huibao Agricultural Products salesperson introducing the platform when he was trading stocks online recently. Promoting high returns and zero risks is a good way to get rich. Although Mr. Zhao is skeptical, he cannot resist some of the profit temptations given to him by the other party. Indulge oneself in gold5Ten thousand yuan follows the so-called analyst to make orders. At the beginning, the frequent operation of profit dispelled Mr. Zhao's doubts. But in the following days, it was completely different. There were few profitable orders and the profits were small, while the losses were large, not as good as the salesperson had promised.
Mr. Zhao felt something was wrong but subconsciously didn't want to believe it. And after each loss, Xinjiang Huibao's agricultural product salesperson and platform analyst will give him a pie. Speak a lot of professional jargon, induce and urge her to increase her capital and make a profit, saying that it is to increase the amount of funds, increase her position, and obtain greater profits, in order to make up for the previous losses and there are still many more. That's it, Mr. Zhao invested a total of18More than ten thousand yuan, almost all the savings at home have been used up. Lost money9More than ten thousand yuan, and8The order of over ten thousand yuan has always been in a locked state. Mr. Zhao gradually realized that he had been deceived and wanted to raise money, but the intention of the Xinjiang Huibao Agricultural Products Analyst was to ask him to raise more money10Ten thousand yuan is the only way to make a payment, and the same thing has been said several times. Mr. Zhao is both angry and frustrated, but at the same time helpless
——The basic tricks of investment market fraud cases are similar. In fact, the key to avoiding scams is to stay away from them!
Step 1: Call out the teacher to display profit screenshots to attract investors' interest.
Step 2: Ensure profitability, commit to returns, and bring the investment group closer.
Step 3: There are many profit messages displayed in small white groups, guiding registered accounts to deposit funds.
The fourth step is to operate frequently, make small gains and make big losses to ensure the return of capital and turnover of positions, and guide the increase of funds.
Step 5: The principal is worthless, kicked out of the investment group, unable to log in to the platform
     There is no free lunch in the world. Do not trust investment platforms recommended by others, and choose legitimate and legitimate investment channels. Beware of falling into scam traps. No one's money is brought by a strong wind, so don't let a gust of wind blow it away. So when making investments, everyone must shine their eyes, recognize the scam, distinguish between real and fake platforms, and promptly keep good evidence after being scammed to contact Zhang Jin for legal assistance(V:cxc931211,Q:2742906573)Defend rights to prevent the platform from running away.
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