share Ye Xiangling:10.23There are risks to a strong rise in gold12Don't make short trades above!
Ye Xiangling 2020-10-23 19:45
https://135editor.cdn.bcebos.com/files/users/941/9416068/202010/TRWPpMME_K969.jpg This week, the four day schedule is very exciting and in place, Monday1913The empty space has fallen to1894Tuesday1904It's too high1920Wednesday1920The space above and yesterday's intraday arrangement1914The empty space has fallen to1894Full line and comprehensive harvesting. Now, the market is constantly speculating aboutMPresident of the countryTLang ...
Personal classification: Futures gold and silver|383 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Ye Xiangling:10.22Why did gold rise and fall sharply overnight, and how can it profit in a long short tug of war?
Ye Xiangling 2020-10-22 09:59
https://135editor.cdn.bcebos.com/files/users/941/9416068/202010/0XgEcAMLU_JYcM.jpg In the depths of time, hold onto a light understanding and learn to be optimistic when investing. Don't let the future of you dislike the present self. We are truly alive, but not every piece of data needs to be taken seriously after it is revealed. Let bygones be bygones, let bygones come soon!Take a good rest, sharpen your troops, and be ready to prepare at any time. ...
Personal classification: Futures gold and silver|306 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Ye Xiangling: Investing in GoldTDWhat are the risks? This article teaches you how to avoid trading risks from three aspects!  
Ye Xiangling 2020-10-21 20:36
Investing in goldt+dWhat are the risks? https://135editor.cdn.bcebos.com/files/users/941/9416068/202010/09kBLpcgU_ThLu.jpg Generally speaking, goldt+dIt has the characteristics of large market risk scale, wide coverage, amplification, complexity, and prevention. And goldT+DThe main causes of trading risks include frequent fluctuations, leverage effects to ensure trading, irrational speculation, and inadequate market mechanisms. So ...
Personal classification: Futures gold and silver|302 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Ye Xiangling: Xiangling Futures Teaching Classroom, the most comprehensive futures knowledge and investment skills on the entire network (Part 1)!
Ye Xiangling 2020-10-20 11:28
Many students who have just come into contact with futures ask what Xiangling Futures is? Today, I will give those who just popularized knowledge about futures (the most comprehensive futures investment skills are in this article)    Full guidance time: early7:00-before dawn2:00。 guidanceVLetter:YXL2045。Q-Q:2110854301。 Online free technical training experience course, comprehensive guidance time: early7:00——In the early morning of the next day2:00。 Shanghai Gold Exchange (Yijintong) ...
Personal classification: Futures gold and silver|313 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
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