Li Lianying:10.22Analysis of gold and silver trends, latest operational recommendations and strategies

already existing 393 Secondary Reading2020-10-22 22:34

[b]Many investment friends always complain about why they always see others making money and losing money as soon as they enter the market. So what Teacher Li Lianying wants to say here is that investment failure is nothing but two points: firstly, due to personal reasons, one has no experience, and blind operation will definitely cause losses; The second issue is the strength of the guidance teacher. The guidance teacher is not sure about the direction of the market, often shouting for a rebound, causing you to lose money. Li Lianying personally believes that the most important aspect of investing is not platforms and products, but encountering a competent and responsible mentor. If your abilities are not enough to support your current situation, then you need a Bole to guide you through the maze, a military strategist to help you control the overall situation. One attempt is an opportunity! A choice is a turning point! Li Lianying has been waiting for you.[/b]
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[b]  黄金行情分析:黄金日线三角尾端区域震荡,黄金在上周遇阻下跌趋势线回调后在三角上行支撑线位置开始上涨,目前徘徊在1890-1920Interval oscillation. Technical aspect:KDJDead cross down, index hovering around50Nearby,MACDGold fork, insufficient red energy column, slightly downward three tracks of the Bollinger Belt, interweaving moving averages, indicating that the rise and fall of gold cannot be effectively continued, and it is expected to continue to fluctuate in the tail in the future. Let's take a look at the short term at the beginning of the week1890-1920The interval of; Break through and consider following up on the trend.[/b]
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[b]  4Hour analysis shows that gold fluctuates after a sharp rise and fall, and currently the overall focus is on1900Nearby the checkpoint, it is shaking and waiting for further guidance; Technically,KDJDead cross, index below50Below,MACDDouble line bonding, no obvious state of the energy column, and the cloth belt begins to close,5Daily moving average underpass10The daily moving average becomes a dead cross, indicating that gold is still a volatile and weak market. Due to the lack of good continuity in recent market fluctuations, do not follow the trend of rising or falling, and try to choose a high and low position to support and resist. Pay attention to the intraday range1900-1933的区间。综合来看,黄金今日短线操作思路上李联赢个人(指导微信:yy57564)建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注1922-1927Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1906-1901Frontline support.[/b]
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[b]Latest operating suggestions for gold:1Gold1922-1924Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1915-1913frontline;2Gold1904-1906Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1916-1918一线;白银:美联储褐皮书显示复苏仍在继续,但幅度不大。不同行业的经济活动变化差异很大,各地区物价温和上涨。美元指数昨日跌破93整数关口向前低下探,现货白银跟随黄金走势,温和上涨并收在高位。日线图上白银自年初低点11.3Starting from the US dollar, the fifth wave is currently in operation, and the structure cannot yet determine whether the fifth wave has ended.1Hour chart from25.56depreciate to23.56,随后出现反转上行结构,当前上升趋势保持完好,后市关注回调过程中的支撑,若出现明显的止跌看涨信号则可轻仓做多。操作上建议中长线等待新的机会,短线关注回调过程中的黄金分割点38.2%(24.65)And61.8%(24.25),盘中出现明显的看涨信号可做多。上方压力25.25and26.50, lower support24.65and24.25。[/b]
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[b]SilverTD:白银冲高回落,技术不宜在追多,其实白银走势相对明显自6900The downward channel is still perfect, despite this rebound5450However, there is still a trend of rising and falling in the region, which is different from the previous period5450Low point rebound and top to bottom conversion are more symmetrical, which means that as long as they fluctuate below, they belong to a fluctuating downward trend, unless they break through the downward channel trend line5480It can only be said that bulls are strong, and it is good to continue to rebound and participate in the short market. Now the pressure is concentrated5360Area. But for the first time4950附近可以博弈短多。综合上述操作思路:压力:5360---5450Support:4950----4830In stock25.2Nearby sounding space25.6LossTDupstream5350reach5400Strict regional airspace5460Loss is sufficient, target4950reach4900Region, multiple orders4950You can try to batch more nearby4850Damage is good.[/b]
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[b]Paper Silver: Paper Silver4小时级别的最新情况。目前纸白银处于以5.37元为压力,以5.06元为支撑的区间当中。昨日,纸白银反弹到5.37元压力后,出现了反复争夺的激烈场景,直到发稿时止,其仍然还没有突破5.37元压力位,综合来看,纸白银短线冲高回落的概率加大。[/b]
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[b]  做单就需要对行情节奏的精准把握,该出手时果断出击,该收网时及时获利,二者缺一不可。困难总是存在的,如何调整好心态想办法克服才是我们应该思考的问题:1、不要想买最低卖最高,那是神作的事;操作的重点就在:快、狠、准。学习等待,不到最佳出手点决不轻言出手。出手后,绝大部分人看的是赚多少,而我只看行情是否如预期。只要不如预期,第一动作就是止损![/b]
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[b]  2On9:15前不要动手,先看清主力的企图在说。研判今日的趋势再下手,虽然不能获得最大利润,却可保身。[/b]
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[b]  3、下单同时要立即设止损价,以不超过30点为限。同时每日更新止盈、止损价,以确保获利不致回吐,止损后要检讨为何作错单,自己的操作上哪里有盲点,如何避掉这个盲点?不懂就问。有些问题只靠自己想一辈子都不见得找的到答案。[/b]
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[b]  4、以十日均线当进出的参考。十日线上不作空,十日线下不作多,至少可以避掉致命的风险,这种风险的发生,通常在于执着于对盘势的判断。盘是活的,当然脑筋也要跟着转。随机应变是期货高手必备的条件之一。[/b]
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[b]  5、何时为趋势盘,何时为盘整盘??如果短中期均线纠结,通常一经发动都是一波涨跌势。一个趋势盘在破5日均线后3日仍不能恢复原趋势则为盘整。盘整日多寡则看该趋势发生时间的长短而定。例如走多头的行情如果不能持续创新高,则表示行情进入整理。上涨的时间越久则通常整理时间就越久。另外在一段涨势或跌势后容易出现突破上升或下降趋势线,此时就应该先行出场,因为趋势已经改变了。[/b]
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[b]  6、盘整期间不论有无创新高低,只要看原趋势是否改变即可,趋势不变则呈现的只是不同的整理型态。[/b]
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[b]  7、转折:所谓的转折,指的是沿原趋势上涨之转折或是趋势扭转之转折,俗称之变盘是也。这一部分太复杂,除了盘中出现的所谓多头或空头的败笔外,均线纠结也是一种观察法,而另一种是所谓的时间波。本条所讨论者,是时间波的转折。尤其是搭配均线使用,有很高的准确度。判别方法为︰将RSIorKD之高低点来划出一个压力线或支撑线,如果可以在50位置得到交叉,则那个位置就是变盘点。而使用上,在日线上画出来的变盘力量会比时线上画出来的强,而小时线(or15分钟线)比日线更能精确预测变盘点。[/b]
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[b]  8、跳空:对于反转型态,如果出现的是开盘的跳空上(broken)5日线且回测有守,则更应特别小心,因为这是强势多头或空头的表现,此时应先拔档观望,但仍不须立即进场反向操作。因为V型反转型态的出现,其前提在于瞬间的超跌。否则一般都会出现第二只脚(或头)。[/b]
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[b]  9、勿让盈余转为亏损:有些当日内交易者建立头寸以后,马上出现账面盈余,却忽略了获利平仓的契机,最后竟变成赔钱的生意。我建议一旦建立头寸以后,马上随行情变化,设定止损价位。行情反转时,就可确保利润。[/b]
[b]  While you are choosing teachers, I am also choosing clients. Sitting in front of the computer every day, regardless of whether it's day or night outside, as long as there are stable orders, customers are reminded one by one to complete their orders. Once they finish, they can be busy with their own tasks, and I will handle everything else.Single, remind to appear on time. Spending so much energy, if I still can't make money, wouldn't it disappoint my investment friends and waste my energy? Then I might as well sleep well every day easily. In the eyes of laymen, analysts are just a profession, and analyzing the market is enough. However, in my opinion, analysts need to do more than just be one-sided. Analysts represent a responsibility and a conscience. Investors have found me, which is a trust in me, and I also know that I should take on this responsibility, deserve my conscience, and deserve the trust of investors. It is better to do well than to say well, and to understand is to verify one's own experience. The suggestion should be given with reason and evidence, and I will not give a list without a basis. When the market is in front of you, give it to the one with the most confidence. If you dare to follow suit, I will do my best to help you!yy57564[/b]
[b]Real time benefits within the group:     consulting service(yy⑤⑦⑤⑥④)[/b]
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