Li Lianying:10.21Why is gold skyrocketing and will it continue to decline? The latest market analysis strategy for gold

already existing 288 Secondary Reading2020-10-21 15:12

[b]   很多投资朋友总是抱怨,为什么总是看见别人赚钱,自己一进场就亏损,那么在这里李联赢老师想说的是,投资失败无非两点:一是自身原因,自己没有经验,盲目的操作肯定会造成亏损;二是指导老师的实力问题,指导老师对行情的方向把握不准,经常喊反弹,造成你的亏损。李联赢个人认为,做投资最重要的不是平台和产品,而是遇到一位有实力、负责任的指导老师。如果你的能力不足以支撑你现在的盘面,那么你就需要需要一位伯乐帮你指点迷津,需要一位军师助你操控大局,一次尝试,就是一次机会!一次选择,就是一次转折!李联赢一直在等着你。黄金消息面解析:周三(10month21日)亚洲时段,现货黄金小幅上涨,一度创两个交易日高点至1915.70dollar/盎司,因市场对美国大选前达成新一轮刺激计划的预期升温,美元指数跌至一个月低位,给金价提供上涨动能;美国民主党和共和党的谈判将于周三继续,目前仍有一些观望情绪,限制了金价涨幅。李联赢认为,本周就一项刺激方案达成一致抱有希望,这对在大选之前通过相关议案至关重要。这提升了市场对大选前出台新一轮刺激计划的预期,美国指数延续跌势,一度创一个月新低至92.99Provide support for gold prices.[/b]
[b]  国际黄金行情分析:黄金技术面来看,金价昨日开盘在1900.25dollar/盎司,开盘后低位震荡后,亚盘时段在1902-1896盘一个底部后金价出现走高,欧盘时段一度给到1912附近出现回撤,美盘时段出现了直线拉升,最高给到了1918.37dollar/盎司,随后金价延续向下,失守白盘上涨幅度,最低给到了1900.51dollar/盎司,收盘在1904.11dollar/盎司。日线收盘倒锤头线,高价破前高,出现冲高回落走势,近期小阴小阳线表现了黄金区间徘徊中。联赢从四小时级别上看,黄金在上周触及1933位置后,出现回落走势,若本周走势出现上周延续将出现向下概率,均线系统粘连,进一步出现均线发散将预示大方向选择。综合来看,黄金今日短线操作思路上李联赢个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注1925-1930Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1910-1905Frontline support.[/b]
[b]Latest operating suggestions for gold:[/b]
[b]  1The rebound above the gold does not break1925-1927Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1917-1915frontline;[/b]
[b]  2The pullback below the gold does not break1908-1910Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1920-1922frontline;[/b]
[b]  3、盘间行情实时变化具体操作策略以李联赢微信(yy57564)The actual offer shall prevail;[/b]
[b]  美原油消息面解析:市场预期美国接近就一项疫情纾困计划达成协议,但仍可能面临参议院的阻力。宏观利好推动了美元下跌与风险资产回升,油价周二也触及近七周新高。李联赢认为,投资者正在跟踪美国刺激谈判;如果达成协议,美油或冲击42大关,如果无法达成协议,这将对油价带来一定程度的打击。OPEC+正认真对待市场需求前景和利比亚供应上升的预期,李联赢预计OPEC+可能推迟1月的增产计划。[/b]
[b]  美原油行情分析:原油昨日小幅性的探高,但延续性不足,最低回测40.50Nearby stability, breaking previous highs and refreshing to41.80.But the closing still closed at41.40Nearby. After breaking the high, there was no sustained upward trend, indicating that the short-term trend is still volatile. Although it has moved up the range, the sustained unilateral capacity is insufficient,KThe line entity is also not large. In this form, try not to chase orders, and the defense points below are still in place39.0In the middle and low levels of the pullback, consider more,K线形态仍伴随着反复拉锯走法。[/b]
[b]  原油小时图反复摸高上探中拉动均线指标拐头向上,不过持续性不足。走单边趋势之前还需要较长时间的整理蓄势。下方台阶临界点支撑仍在39.0.昨日虽有破高迹象。但是收盘不算稳,今日亚盘暂时不急于追高,待回踩后接近39.80-40.0Considering the lower cost of the area, relying on39.0做防守。综合来看,原油今日短线操作思路上李联赢个人建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注41.8-42.3Frontline resistance, short-term focus below40.9-40.4Frontline support.[/b]
[b]  1Crude oil rebounded to42.1-42.3Short on the front line, stop loss0.4US dollars, look at the target41.4-41.2frontline;[/b]
[b]  2Crude oil callback to40.7-40.9Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target41.7-41.9frontline;[/b]
[b]  3The market is constantly changing, and the points are for reference only. Investment is risky and entering the market should be cautious. For more details, please follow Li Lianying's official account||Wei:yy57564;[/b]
[b]  【亏损散户没有老师指导的投资朋友必看】[/b]
[b]  1、在原油黄金投资中,要充分认识风险和效益、赢钱与输钱的概率及防范的几个大问题。如果对风险防范没有一个确切的认识,随意进行黄金原油的买卖,那么输钱是必然的,一般只要严格设置止损和止盈,轻仓操作下,就能很好的控制风险。[/b]
[b]  2、知己知彼,百战不殆。但身在金市,则知己为上,投资者需要了解自己的性格,因为容易冲动或情绪化倾向严重的人并不适合这项投资。成功的投资者,大多数能够控制自己的情绪且有严谨的纪律性,能够有效地约束自己。[/b]
[b]  3、从某种意义上说,有时看错市场走势,或进单后形势突然逆转,因而导致单子被套住,这是正常的现象,即使是高手也不能幸免。然而,在如何决策和进行事后处理时,最愚蠢的行为却都是源于小户心理。成功的投资者不会盲目跟从旁人的意见。当大家都处于同一投资位置,尤其是那些小投资者亦都纷纷跟进时,成功的投资者会感到危险而改变路线。[/b]
[b]  4The market is real, don't be sentimental, overly yearn for the future and reminisce about the past. A senior trader said: A person full of fantasy, rich emotions, and very exposed is a beautiful and happy person, but he is not suitable for being an investor. A successful investor can separate his emotions, fantasies, and trading.[/b]
[b]  While you are choosing teachers, I am also choosing clients. Sitting in front of the computer every day, regardless of whether it's day or night outside, as long as there are stable orders, customers are reminded one by one to complete their orders. Once they finish, they can be busy with their own tasks, and I will handle everything else.Single, remind to appear on time. Spending so much energy, if I still can't make money, wouldn't it disappoint my investment friends and waste my energy? Then I might as well sleep well every day easily. In the eyes of laymen, analysts are just a profession, and analyzing the market is enough. However, in my opinion, analysts need to do more than just be one-sided. Analysts represent a responsibility and a conscience. Investors have found me, which is a trust in me, and I also know that I should take on this responsibility, deserve my conscience, and deserve the trust of investors. It is better to do well than to say well, and to understand is to verify one's own experience. The suggestion should be given with reason and evidence, and I will not give a list without a basis. When the market is in front of you, give it to the one with the most confidence. If you dare to follow suit, I will do my best to help you!yy57564[/b]
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