Li Lianying: How do beginners stir fry gold? This article summarizes several introductory techniques for your reference

already existing 300 Secondary Reading2020-10-21 14:42

[b]     Many investment friends always complain about why they always see others making money and lose money as soon as they enter the market. Here, what Teacher Li Lianying wants to say is that investment failure is nothing more than two points: first, due to personal reasons, one lacks experience, and blind operation will definitely cause losses; The second issue is the strength of the guidance teacher. The guidance teacher is not sure about the direction of the market and often calls for a rebound, causing you to incur losses. Li Lianying personally believes that the most important aspect of investing is not the platform and products, but encountering a competent and responsible mentor. If your ability is not enough to support your current market, then you need a Bole to guide you through the maze, a military strategist to help you control the overall situation. One attempt is one opportunity! A choice is a turning point! Li Lianying has been waiting for you.[/b]
[b]  由于黄金投资者的年龄、职业、工作生活情况各异,所以,大家都应该总结出一套适自己的炒金方法,既要达到保值赚钱的目的,又不能让炒黄金影响到自己的工作生活和身体健康,不能把自己搞的太累,甚至心态失衡。[/b]
[b]  特点:一年只操作两次。上半年找个相对低一点的纸黄金价格全仓买入,休息半年,在春节附近找个相对的高点卖出。不用天天看K线,比较省心,不占业余时间,会不会炒金都可以,平时只要稍微关注一下新闻联播里是不是说美国经济在大展宏图,如果答案是否定的,那就放着不管了。[/b]
[b]  年收益:基本能跑赢CPI,操作精确的话,年收益率也可达20%.[/b]
[b]  优缺点:优点,省心。缺点,参与性低,类似买卖实物黄金。[/b]
[b]  适合人群:1、年龄大,对计算机和英文不感冒的人。2、工作繁忙,社交活动频繁,没时间理财的人。[/b]
[b] 方法二:当股票炒(midline)[/b]
[b]  特点:波段操作,低买高卖,一般以几周为单位,主要看日线图和周图,需要较高的基本面和技术面分析能力,属于炒金中的高手,每天都要有时间看一会儿盘,总资金投入不小于20万,嘿嘿,要不然不够辛苦钱。[/b]
[b]  年收益:年收益率和操作水平直接挂钩,高可达50%,低可能不及银行利息。[/b]
[b]  优缺点:优点,因为炒黄金而掌握了一种金融产品投资的方法,受益终生。缺点,占用精力和业余时间较多。[/b]
[b]  适合人群:1、工作收入稳定,生活轻松,爱好动脑分析的聪明人士。2、有多年炒股经验,闲置资金较多,不想再冒股市风险的老谋深算者。[/b]
[b]  特点:每天都有买卖下单,不肯放过任何一波利润,各种周期的K线都看,各种指标滚瓜烂熟,中长线和短线趋势都做分析,每晚都与老美肉搏战,激情挥洒,大起大落。[/b]
[b]  年收益:水平高的可以无视金价大趋势,在下跌中照样有赚,水平低的初学者负收益。[/b]
[b]  优缺点:优点,短期收益可观,惊险刺激,可以为进入期货市场打下基础。缺点,点差太高,消耗精力较大。[/b]
[b]  适合人群:1、年轻、精力充沛的热血炒金爱好者。2、初涉金市摸索经验的初学者。[/b]
[b]  特点:长线短线持仓都有,长线短线持仓互相转化,根据工作和生活安排炒黄金节奏,忙的时候分析中长线趋势,闲的时候分析短线趋势,炒炒短线波段。此方法运用的好的可以既回避高风险又保持住相当的收益,还不与工作生活发生矛盾。[/b]
[b]  年收益:稳定,适中。[/b]
[b]  优缺点:优点,是风险与收益,炒金与生活两者兼顾的结合点。缺点,容易错过很多短线机会。[/b]
[b]  适合人群:1、朝九晚五的上班族。2、向高手行列努力迈进的进步者。[/b]
[b]  方法五:当白菜炒(一掷千金)[/b]
[b]  特点:认定黄金牛市后,只坚持一个原则:低了就买,高了就卖,不管什么基本面技术面,不管专家们唱多还是唱空,不看K线,像买白菜一样,出手就是重仓,一掷千金,举重若轻。[/b]
[b]  年收益:不稳定,不会太高也不会太低。[/b]
[b]  优缺点:优点,轻松惬意,潇洒有个性。缺点,如果大趋势判断失误,血本无归。[/b]
[b]  [/b]
[b]  加仓也是一种技巧,详解加仓时机及原则:[/b]
[b]  一、加仓的本质[/b]
[b]  首先要明确的是,加仓是一种投资的技巧。是工具,不是目的,投资的目的是获得风险含量最小的收益。[/b]
[b]  因此只有当加仓可以帮助投资者达到上述目的时,它才是有利用价值的,否则就要舍弃不用,这一点就如同金刚经所说的,所有法皆是筏喻,法尚应舍,何况非法。[/b]
[b]  二、加仓适用对象[/b]
[b]  从分析能力上说,至少要对未来一周的方向能做出准确判断的投资者,才能使用加仓(这就要求投资者不单要看图表,还要关心基本面和天气、政策等因素),从操作节奏上说,加仓适合于短中结合的投资者,从资金量上说,加仓适合于较大的资金,当80%的仓位能就不要考虑加仓了,或者后备资金与当前的资金比例达到或者超过1:1时,适合于加仓的操作技巧。更多资讯关注公众号金晟富,同时欢迎大家加金晟富沟通交流。[/b]
[b]There are usually several situations where additional warehouse operations need to be carried out:[/b]
[b]  (1)资金太大,一次进场很可能被发现,以强麦为例,如果一次开150If this happens for several consecutive days, it is easy to be targeted and eaten by institutions. At this time, it is necessary to adopt the technique of adding positions by breaking them into smaller parts.[/b]
[b]  (2)当发现基本面的变化,但技术面还没有体现时——众所周知,投.资市场并不总是理性的,常常有它情绪化的一面,比如当基本面向好时,图形常常要再震一下,可能还要跌一下,反之亦然。这时,既想占据有利的位置,又不愿冒更多的震荡风险,就要采取分次投入的技巧。[/b]
[b]  四、加仓的使用[/b]
[b]Adding positions is usually done in a pyramid style, using long positions as an example, buying a portion at the bottom, such as80Hand, wait until the market reaches a certain level before buying60Hand, as it rises again, buy again40手,依此类推。[/b]
[b]  这样,因为低位买入的数量总是多于高位的,所以总能保证自己的持仓成本低于市场平均价。当认为市场将要转势时,一次平出或分两次平出即可——注意平的时候尽可能快的平出。[/b]
[b]  五、加仓的注意事项[/b]
[b]  (1)决定采用这个技巧前,对要操作的品种的规律,对自己在该品种各个阶段的心态变化,都要十分熟悉,做到知己知彼——要做到这点,对品种的跟踪至少要有一个由涨转跌或由跌转涨的过程。[/b]
[b]  (2)只有当基本面支持该品种走出单边势的时候,才可使用该方法,如果是震荡势或正在反转时使用,往往得不偿失。[/b]
[b]  (3)一定要遵循金字塔的原则,这样才能保证自己的成本低于市场。[/b]
[b]  (4)加仓往往和滚动开平、主动锁仓等结合运用。[/b]
[b]  (5)始终要认识到,加仓操作只是一种技巧,加仓是为了盈利,不要为了加仓而加仓。[/b]
[b]  六、加仓的方法[/b]
[b]  (1)橄榄型增仓法[/b]
[b]  假定认为价格即将上涨,先以少量资金买进,一旦盈利,不是平仓,而是以数倍于第一次的交易资金,大量买入;如果价格继续上扬,就有可能将剩余的资金全部投入进去,加码资金两端轻,中间重。更多资讯关注公众号金晟富,同时欢迎大家加金晟富为訫JCF1686686Communication and exchange.[/b]
[b]  [/b]
[b]  (2)金字塔增仓法[/b]
[b]  期货市场中最常用的交易方法。即先在某价格买入固定仓位头寸,当价格上涨到一定幅度之后,以比第一次仓位更少的资金买入,后面如果股价继续上扬,再以比上一次更小的仓位买入,以此类推,加码资金逐级减小。[/b]
[b]  (3)倒金字塔增仓法[/b]
[b]  即第一次以较小仓位试探买入,如果行情上涨,投资者感觉良好,则下一次买入比第一次更多的筹码,以此类推,加码资金逐级增大。[/b]
[b]  (4)等分比加仓法[/b]
[b]  交易之前平均将投入资金分成数等分,当行情按照预期逐级上行,则每次按等量资金逐级加码。[/b]
[b]  (5)概率交易法[/b]
[b]  这种方法将盈利的标准建立在成功率的基础之上,在某只个股上没有分批加减仓位的系统资金管理办法,结果是要么止损,要么止盈,都是一次进出完成一轮交易。比如,投资者看好某只个股,则买入固定仓位的股票,到达止损位则清仓离场,到达目标位则止盈,分散参与多只个股皆是如此。[/b]
[b]  (6)追杀法——又叫Martingale(马丁格尔)system[/b]
[b]  它最初是赌场里面的(*)开始使用的,它的基本原则是:假如你输钱,你需要将赌金翻倍,假如你赢钱,你则需要将赌金还原到原始赌金。这将使你最终获得利润。这种投资方式合适在大的上涨和下跌通道中比较的合适。[/b]
[b]  (7)反马丁格尔法[/b]
[b]  即以一单位比例开始,在每一次赢钱之后将仓位加倍,但在每一次损失之后,就回到一单位比例仓位。这个策略的好处在于风险较低、所增加的仓位是以赢的钱作为来源,可以使账户资金保持安全。这个方法的缺点是最大仓位都会下在无可避免的赔钱上!这种投资方式相对来说比较的保守,可以在相对的顶和底上使用。[/b]
[b]  (8)赢钱加仓法[/b]
[b]  你以几个比例单位开始,在每一次超出止损之后,减少一单位仓位,在每一次赢钱之后增加一个单位仓位。渐进加仓![/b]
[b]  While you are choosing teachers, I am also choosing clients. Sitting in front of the computer every day, regardless of whether it's day or night outside, as long as there are stable orders, customers are reminded one by one to complete their orders. Once they finish, they can be busy with their own tasks, and I will handle everything else.Single, remind to appear on time. Spending so much energy, if I still can't make money, wouldn't it disappoint my investment friends and waste my energy? Then I might as well sleep well every day easily. In the eyes of laymen, analysts are just a profession, and analyzing the market is enough. However, in my opinion, analysts need to do more than just be one-sided. Analysts represent a responsibility and a conscience. Investors have found me, which is a trust in me, and I also know that I should take on this responsibility, deserve my conscience, and deserve the trust of investors. It is better to do well than to say well, and to understand is to verify one's own experience. The suggestion should be given with reason and evidence, and I will not give a list without a basis. When the market is in front of you, give it to the one with the most confidence. If you dare to follow suit, I will do my best to help you!yy57564[/b]
[b]  Real time benefits within the group:     consulting service(yy⑤⑦⑤⑥④)[/b]
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