share Gold watches the market wash on Friday,ETFReduce holdings again
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-23 17:24
​ Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp Gold Yesterday's bearish video analysis, article analysis bearish direction1902.The goal is in place, and I have made money. You can continue to watch my analysis! Anyway, you can't understand either, so you just want to take a look at the direction and position. Fundamental analysis from online excerpts Speaker Pelosi of the US House of Representatives said Thursday that negotiators and the Trump government have made progress in the negotiation on the new round of COVID-19 stimulus plan, but the Senate Republicans still ...
Personal classification: gold|352 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share OPEC cartel members 9The implementation rate of production reduction in the month is102%Yes5The highest since the month
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-21 20:33
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp After crude oil broke through overnight and returned to the volatile range, there is still no significant movement in the market. At this time, I believe many investors are wondering whether they can continue to be bearish on crude oil. So what I want to tell you is, yes. With necessary risk control in trading, there is nothing to worry about, only the unknown can bring fear. Today's fundamental analysis: Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar: Ope ...
Personal classification: gold|296 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Pelosi and Mnuqin are moving closer to reaching a stimulus plan, and gold is soaring
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-21 17:55
​Young heart, tears in my eyes, I am the golden carp Today, gold has been rising all the way, with the highest currently recorded1923The awkward position is that in this morning's video analysis, the short-term bearish view on gold was not achieved by the market, but this rise was entirely due to the optimistic expectations of the market for the news. As the election approaches, I still find it difficult to believe that the economic stimulus, which is mixed with political factors, can be successfully implemented. I hope investors still don't be overly optimistic ...
Personal classification: gold|292 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Trump: "We will win. Maybe I wouldn't say that two or three weeks ago."
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-20 16:55
Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp Recently, the market has been constantly circulating news about the new round of stimulus bills in the United States. Under constant fluctuations, the market has also been constantly coming out of the volatile market, and last night, it was also a short-term surge and then fell again. From a technical perspective, the market is still in a volatile range, but don't overlook the details of breaking the technical daily line Today's fundamental analysis: US Senate Democratic Leader Schumer Says Republican Aid Act Will Be Voted This Week ...
Personal classification: gold|307 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share The Future of the United States48Expected to be completed within hours1.8Trillion dollar stimulus proposal
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-19 19:42
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp In fact, there were already positive news about gold in the market this Sunday, but today the overall technical trend of gold is still facing strong pressure1912The suppression of. This situation was most evident after the opening of the European market this afternoon. What I can understand is. Gold is expected to emerge from its explosive rise in the evening (this depends on market outflows and the approval of the US bailout proposal) Pelosi last Sunday(10month18day)Congress ...
Personal classification: gold|218 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Why are you always cut off when trading gold? You need to understand the following points
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-14 19:32
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp Actually, I have been thinking about it all this time, why am I so good at trading analysis, but I just can't get on with fans? Of course, iron fans should be very clear. My analysis has one thing to say, there is absolutely no ambiguity or deception. But it seems that my article is too professional, which leads to most people without an investment foundation feeling that they cannot understand. So after careful consideration, I decided to change ...
Personal classification: gold|207 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 拜登民调持续走高,黄金技术面出现波段回撤机会
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-12 17:58
Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp 黄金我开始看空了,但是这个空并不是大趋势上的看空,而是近两天黄金将会出现技术面的回撤,并且是较强的下跌,可能延续性不强,但是大概率会比较猛。而这一信号也是通过综合考量分析来的,毕竟当下的市场环境来讲,不稳定因素太多了,即便出现极端行情也见怪不怪了。 今日基本面分 ...
Personal classification: gold|203 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 外汇交易中技术分析寻找需求区间:高概率事件重复做
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-8 16:42
Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp In the previous class, we talked about three analysis methods in the foreign exchange market. The following courses will mainly focus on these three basic methods and explain in detail the things to pay attention to during the trading process. Actually, I still refuse to some extent in my heart. After all, this is the hard work I have put into trading over the years. Should I put my heart into explaining these things clearly? Or would you like to share a partial understanding? 后来想想,即便是讲清楚又怎样 ...
Personal classification: gold|197 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 外汇交易中系统的分析方法,技术于消息之争
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-2 22:04
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp In the previous article, we introduced some basic orders we participated in the foreign exchange market, which are commonly encountered in daily transactions. 所以大家还要熟练之后,并进行模拟训练进而才能算是成功的新手交易者。在这里呢我也要向大家透漏个消息,由于近期我着手与外汇方面的投资教育类的讲解,同时已经开始着手举办,模 ...
Personal classification: gold|198 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 川普病了?约翰逊:来我告诉你隔离的日子是怎么熬过来的
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-2 17:22
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp http://mpimg.cnfol.com/ueditor/202010/02/1601625199399352.png 今天非农,嗯没事非农的话白盘市场一般黄金都是三个点的波动,不用担心,市场在大数据面前正常情况下都是处于资金观望的状态,中午可以好好午休了。吃过中午饭北京时间1点附近美美的午休开始了。刚躺下,粉丝们炸 ...
Personal classification: gold|182 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
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