Xu Bohong:10.23What do you think of the bullish sky today when gold rises and falls? Will the future market continue to rise?

already existing 333 Secondary Reading2020-10-23 10:45


Gold Message:
Thursday(10month22day)美元指数五个交易日来首次上涨,交易员担心美国大选前达成刺激协议的前景,且欧洲报告新增确诊病例创纪录。现货黄金收跌逾20The US dollar briefly hit a near week low in the session, reaching1894.74dollar/盎司,美元走强、美债收益率上涨令金价遭受双重打击。现货黄金周四跌逾1%,盘中一度跌破1900关口,但美众院议长佩洛西再次暗示刺激协议会谈取得进展,使金价收盘维持在1900美元上方。分析师指出,贵金属期货整体疲软,皆拜美元走强及国债收益率上涨所赐;二者使不提供收益率的贵金属价格遭受双重打击。在美国众议院议长佩洛西表示一项刺激协议已经“基本就绪”之后,黄金期货价格跌幅收窄并重新站上1900The US dollar barrier.
Analysis of Gold Technology:
  现货黄金今日开盘小幅拉升,现报1905.76dollar/Ounces, up0.09%。 from4小时来看:震荡上涨后回调;KDJDead fork,MACD也有死叉趋势,跌破布林线中轨1910.91附近支撑,增加了短线看空信号;布林线下轨支撑目前在1894.20附近。若金价坚守布林线中轨支撑,并顶破布林线上轨1927.64附近阻力,则有望启动新一轮涨势。此外,5Moving average resistance1921.25附近,在顶破该阻力前,黄金后市略微偏向震荡下行。综合来看,黄金今日短线操作思路上徐博鸿建议以反弹高空为主,回调做多为辅,上方短期重点关注1920Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1894.2-1888Frontline support. Friends who want to learn more gold investment techniques can add WeChat:xbh768Every morning7From midnight to early morning2Click on real-time online guidance.

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Wen/Xu Bohong (WeChat:xbh768)

The above article is exclusively compiled by financial analyst Xu Bohong, providing more experience in investing in gold and crude oil, trading strategies, detailed information and technical explanations, reminders for position building and closing positions. Teacher Xu Bohong provides online guidance!

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