Xu Bohong:10.21黄金白银持续震荡高涨,金银走势分析及操作建议

already existing 247 Secondary Reading2020-10-21 22:47

Only by experiencing the most enduring shocks can one be worthy of having the craziest one sidedness. Trading is not an abbreviation for overnight wealth, but a self cultivation arena. What hurts you is not the indifference of the market, but the dead shoulder of your illusions!If the market doesn't give back what you want, it's not because you deserve something better, but because your current abilities are not yet worthy. People are so strange that no matter how much grievance they suffer, they can hold it back and cry uncontrollably when they hear comforting words!Come on, no matter what happened in the past, make this moment the starting point of another realm!
Gold Message:
Gold trend analysis:
  日线连续十字收线,多空争夺激烈,短线并未走出明显的方向,同时过往四个交易日都是围绕一个区间迂回,日内再次破高,短线能否走出方向,就看延续性;其次,多空转换的加快,追单是最大的忌讳,所以走高之后只能去等一定的回踩出现后再去多,而不是激进多;最后,小时线来看,短线至1882位置震荡走高,目前突破1916的点,短线破高,那么1903形成一个有到支撑的转换,关注回踩1903机会做跟多参与,要重点留意此前的大阴下跌口25位置的承压情况。综合来看,操作上徐博鸿建议上方关注1925-1928One line of resistance, pay attention below1900-1903Frontline support. Friends who want to learn more gold investment techniques can add WeChat:xbh768Every morning7From midnight to early morning2Click on real-time online guidance.
Every day, the Moments update trend analysis and operational ideas. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, while those who need to see suggestions can go and see them on their own. Customers who are not themselves provide direction and big expectations without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the actual operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time. After all, time is precious and not wasted, I cannot guarantee that the order accuracy will be achieved100%. But we must be the most patient and responsible analysis team. You must also be a capable analyst!
Wen/Xu Bohong (WeChat:xbh768)
The above article is exclusively compiled by financial analyst Xu Bohong, providing more experience in investing in gold and crude oil, trading strategies, detailed information and technical explanations, reminders for position building and closing positions. Teacher Xu Bohong provides online guidance!

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