Xu Bohong:10.21Gold and silver long short game at the right time, analysis of market trends in Europe and America

already existing 215 Secondary Reading2020-10-21 17:11

Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a city. The market situation is unpredictable and unpredictable. Set one's mind, observe the situation, plan before moving, do not be confused by the heart, do not be trapped in the situation, and only by strategizing can one win a thousand miles away. Fame and nobility come from true talent and practical learning, with virtue and natural fragrance. Hello everyone, I am Xu Bohong! finger.heat conduction.Line(xbh768)
Gold morning opening from1906On the first line of opening, the market surged1920The front line encounters strong resistance and falls back, while the low point falls back to1915一线,整体回落幅度不大。上行动能较强,空头明显乏力。事实上昨天也给到大家分析,1916-1920的空单。今天正好到达这一区间内,高位盘整有一段时间了,按走势来看,目前金价依然在震荡区间内,1920一线多次触及但并未突破企稳,证明这一点位的有效性,目前来看1916-1920的空单持仓依然有价值,大家仍需谨记,在当前黄金白银未能突破区间的前提下,切勿追涨杀跌。以区间高抛低吸操作为主。
Market news:
  美债收益率也出现了显着回升,从而强化了美元的空头预期,关注美元92.7支撑,一旦失守,那么将可能继续下行,从而使得金价获得支撑上行。目前金价在触及1920dollar/盎司后,维持窄幅波动,尽管因乐观情绪利好金价,很多场外资金流入了金价,推动金价上升。“毫无疑问,市场将密切关注华盛顿的谈判。如果达成协议,金价可能会攀升”不过毕竟现在的刺激法案还没有明确出炉,市场对刺激计划抱有希望,不过这也是投机行为,市场的气氛还是持观望态度。想要学习更多黄金投资技巧的朋友可以添加薇信:xbh768Every morning7From midnight to early morning2Click on real-time online guidance.
  日线来看,89日均线目前阻力依然有效,金价触及但为能突破,上方下一阻力位置在60Daily moving average resistance1925附近,短线持有1916-1920空单的朋友建议将止损放在这一阻力附近。MACD指标再次往零线靠拢,KDJ金叉结成,向上发散,单看技术面处于震荡偏多走势,但顾虑于消息面引导,恐与技术面背驰,当下仍以短线震荡走势看待,中长线不做考虑。
  4小时伴随反复的下探回升,由布林道下轨启稳上升至上轨,且慢慢顶开了上轨。4小时有慢慢摸高迹象。但结合均线指标的凌乱发散。大周期均线依旧在上方形成压制。显示出短期仍走不出单边方向。探高后仍会伴随承压回落。日内短线还是当作震荡,不过考虑到美元的弱势下行,欧盘可能会先延续小幅的上扬。上方则要留意1921-1925一带阻力。下方支撑则在1894-1898一带。短线暂定于区间内看宽幅震荡。接近区间上下轨高空低多。对行情把握没有方向或亏损的朋友可以找到徐博鸿:xbh768Solve it, even small funds have the conditions for profitability. Large funds make big profits, small funds make small profits, and act within our capabilities!

Every day, the Moments update trend analysis and operational ideas. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, while those who need to see suggestions can go and see them on their own. Customers who are not themselves provide direction and big expectations without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the actual operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time. After all, time is precious and not wasted, I cannot guarantee that the order accuracy will be achieved100%. But we must be the most patient and responsible analysis team. You must also be a capable analyst!
Wen/Xu Bohong (WeChat:xbh768)

The above article is exclusively compiled by financial analyst Xu Bohong, providing more experience in investing in gold and crude oil, trading strategies, detailed information and technical explanations, reminders for position building and closing positions. Teacher Xu Bohong provides online guidance!

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