share Ye Xiangling:10.22Why is gold soaring? Can it break through1933Midnight GoldTDAnalysis of silver trend
Liu Jingcan 2020-10-22 00:36
https://135editor.cdn.bcebos.com/files/users/941/9416068/202010/0bEdUuBRP_eZtK.jpg In the depths of time, hold onto a light understanding and learn to be optimistic when investing. Don't let the future of you dislike the present self. We are truly alive, but not every piece of data needs to be taken seriously after it is revealed. Let bygones be bygones, let bygones come soon!Take a good rest, sharpen your troops, and be ready to prepare at any time ...
730 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Liang Qiandong10.22Gold skyrocketing and plummeting, crude oil bottoming, midnight trend prediction and online unwinding of long and short positions
Liang Qiandong 2020-10-21 23:48
What we have walked through is time, what we have seen is the market situation, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have accumulated is experience, and what we have achieved is the realm. We are filled with emotions of bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and sweetness, indifferent to the market, not worried about everything, not worried about things, not thinking about things, not greedy when encountering profits, not disorderly in times of danger, following orders according to departments, planning strategies, and operating step by step, so that we can stay in a chaotic market and steadily move forward. On the contrary: if one only craves profits, disregards risks, is aggressive and belligerent, and carries it to the end, they will inevitably fail. Warlord ...
249 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Xu Bohong:10.21黄金白银持续震荡高涨,金银走势分析及操作建议
Xu Bohong 2020-10-21 22:47
Only by experiencing the most enduring shocks can one be worthy of having the craziest one sidedness. Trading is not an abbreviation for overnight wealth, but a self cultivation arena. What hurts you is not the indifference of the market, but the dead shoulder of your illusions!If the market doesn't give back what you want, it's not because you deserve something better, but because your current abilities are not yet worthy. People are so strange that no matter how much grievance they suffer, they can hold it back and cry uncontrollably when they hear comforting words!加油,无论过去如何,让 ...
245 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Li Lianying:10.21When will gold reverse its unilateral rise10.22How to Unwrap Gold Empty Orders
Li Lianying 2020-10-21 21:53
Many investment friends always complain about why they always see others making money and losing money as soon as they enter the market. So what Teacher Li Lianying wants to say here is that investment failure is nothing but two points: firstly, due to personal reasons, one has no experience, and blind operation will definitely cause losses; The second issue is the strength of the guidance teacher. The guidance teacher is not sure about the direction of the market, often shouting for a rebound, causing you to lose money. Li Lianying personally believes that the most important thing in investing is not the platform and ...
334 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Wen Yuewan: The big market always misses, how do novices judge entry opportunities when speculating on gold and crude oil?
Wen Yuewan 2020-10-21 21:46
Wen Yuewan Big market always misses, how do novices judge entry opportunities when speculating on gold and crude oil? Trading signals are a major issue in trading, and when we trade gold and crude oil, we always need to have some basis to enter the market. The basis for entering the market is the signal of trading, and according to different trading characteristics, the signal of entering the market also has its own unique characteristics. Below, I will divide the basis for my technical analysis in making orders into the following categories: https://img.yizhu ...
262 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 萧尚辉:做黄金投资为何别人能轻易判定行情涨跌?你却后知后觉钱没赚到反而套着单
Xiao Shanghui 2020-10-21 21:21
萧尚辉:做黄金投资为何别人能轻易判定行情涨跌?你却后知后觉钱没赚到反而套着单 近段时间黄金的行情一直在一个大区间内波动,行情走势非常的明显,但还是有很多的投资朋友一直在亏损,我想这个时候这些朋友不应该再去做单,是时候静下心来好好想一下自己亏损的原因了。 https://img.yizhuan5.com/yz/upload/im ...
203 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Wen Yuewan: The US dollar has encountered a bear storm, and the gold bull market is approaching! Tonight, the gold will surely go up1930!
Wen Yuewan 2020-10-21 21:10
Wen Yuewan: The US dollar has encountered a bear storm, and the gold bull market is approaching! Tonight, the gold will surely go up1930! When dealing with gold and crude oil, most investors are influenced by the fluctuations in the market. They stick to their original intention and stick to it. Although it may seem simple to say, there are very few things they can do. This is why most people in the market are losing money. There is a misconception in short-term trading: short selling is afraid of rising, long selling is afraid of falling. Everyone should know that no one can buy at the lowest point every time ...
245 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 萧尚辉:国际黄金多头士气大振不断刷高点,黄金牛市突破在望?美盘做多就行!    ​
Xiao Shanghui 2020-10-21 20:36
萧尚辉:国际黄金多头士气大振不断刷高点,黄金牛市突破在望?美盘做多就行!​ Wednesday Gold and SilverT+DDouble up! Gold Breakthrough1920Great level, European highest touch1922Frontline, reaching a new high in over a week, with the US dollar index hitting9month4日以来的逾六周新低。市场关注着美国围绕新一轮刺激案的谈判,在两方分歧有所减少后,市场对达成协议有所预 ...
238 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Ye Xiangling: Investing in GoldTDWhat are the risks? This article teaches you how to avoid trading risks from three aspects!  
Ye Xiangling 2020-10-21 20:36
Investing in goldt+dWhat are the risks? https://135editor.cdn.bcebos.com/files/users/941/9416068/202010/09kBLpcgU_ThLu.jpg Generally speaking, goldt+dIt has the characteristics of large market risk scale, wide coverage, amplification, complexity, and prevention. And goldT+DThe main causes of trading risks include frequent fluctuations, leverage effects to ensure trading, irrational speculation, and inadequate market mechanisms. So ...
302 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share OPEC cartel members 9The implementation rate of production reduction in the month is102%Yes5The highest since the month
Jinshi Big Carp 2020-10-21 20:33
​Young heart filled with tears, I am the golden carp After crude oil broke through overnight and returned to the volatile range, there is still no significant movement in the market. At this time, I believe many investors are wondering whether they can continue to be bearish on crude oil. So what I want to tell you is, yes. With necessary risk control in trading, there is nothing to worry about, only the unknown can bring fear. Today's fundamental analysis: Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar: Ope ...
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