share Liang Qiandong10.23Narrow range fluctuations in the final trading of gold, resistance to crude oil rising and falling, midnight trend prediction
Liang Qiandong 2020-10-23 00:32
Sometimes in life, the glow of a candle feels very friendly. Usually when I go to work, it's in the morning7From midnight to the early morning of the next day3Point, but in my memory, I rarely seem to leave work on time. As long as the customer's order is still there, stay up late until the early morning6Stopping orders is a common occurrence, have you ever had it before! After staying up all night and not sleeping, it's not that I'm not sleepy, let alone insomnia. It's just that the client still has the order in their hands, struggling and wandering between being unable to leave and being idle. How many years have we been doing business, ...
340 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Lu Jinying10.23Today's GoldtdTrading techniques, operational suggestions, and solutions for investment in silver crude oil
Lu Jinying 2020-10-22 23:59
Time will precipitate the most genuine emotions; Wind and rain will test the warmest companionship. Those who go far are just fleeting moments; What is left behind is the love that is worth cherishing. Coming with enthusiasm may not necessarily last long; Love is plain, not necessarily heartless and unjust. What the eyes see may be illusions, but the feelings of the heart are the most real. Time tells us that simple liking is the most long-term; Ordinary companionship brings peace of mind; The person who understands you is the warmest. If you want to become a big tree, don't compare yourself to small grass! In the short term ...
439 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Xu Bohong:10.22Looking Ahead of Gold Beauty Market Technology Break the position and take turns to follow the trend
Xu Bohong 2020-10-22 22:46
Are you still reading articles and looking for strategies at this moment? I wonder how much attention have you paid to the current price list that Teacher Bohong timely gives you every day? Does the abundance of time every day make you hesitate and hesitate again, afraid of losing one order and being afraid of the next. If you are still on the road of confusion and hesitation, you may want to pay attention to Xu Bohong's articles and internal strategies. You may not see anything in a day, but over time, you will definitely get what you want. (Having a chance encounter is a kind of fate, and even if you add me, you won't lose anything.) ...
328 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Liang Qiandong10.23Gold plummeted unilaterally30A point, how many sheets are there? Real time online unpacking guidance
Liang Qiandong 2020-10-22 22:43
What we have walked through is time, what we have seen is the market situation, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have tasted is gains and losses, what we have accumulated is experience, and what we have achieved is the realm. We are filled with emotions of bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and sweetness, indifferent to the market, not worried about everything, not worried about things, not thinking about things, not greedy when encountering profits, not disorderly in times of danger, following orders according to departments, planning strategies, and operating step by step, so that we can stay in a chaotic market and steadily move forward. On the contrary: if one only craves profits, disregards risks, is aggressive and belligerent, and carries it to the end, they will inevitably fail. Warlord ...
326 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Li Lianying:10.22Analysis of gold and silver trends, latest operational recommendations and strategies
Li Lianying 2020-10-22 22:34
Many investment friends always complain about why they always see others making money and losing money as soon as they enter the market. So what Teacher Li Lianying wants to say here is that investment failure is nothing but two points: firstly, due to personal reasons, one has no experience, and blind operation will definitely cause losses; The second issue is the strength of the guidance teacher. The guidance teacher is not sure about the direction of the market, often shouting for a rebound, causing you to lose money. Li Lianying personally believes that the most important aspects of investing are not platforms and products, but ...
416 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 盛通四方数字化交易中心违规,老师带单只为骗你手续费!
Blade Deng Lan 2020-10-22 22:09
盛通四方数字化交易中心违规,老师带单只为骗你手续费! 为什么有这么多人在投资现货,一是因为有高额盈利在诱惑、二是有所谓的专业的老师直播讲课洗脑,他们运用一些专业的知识来讲解分析,在你长时间听课中,您会发现这些老师说的内容都非常有道理,说的走势也是准确的。你会不知不觉的掉进他们布置的陷阱里,从而亏 ...
1 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Wen Yuewan: International Gold Lost1920Is it possible to do more when frying gold? Suggestions for short-term gold operations
Wen Yuewan 2020-10-22 21:49
Wen Yue Wan :10.22International Gold Fall1920Is it possible to do more when frying gold? Suggestions for short-term gold operations When investing, don't worry about making yourself rich overnight, but also make yourself valuable. In the process of investing, cultivate your attitude, enhance your inner experience, be calm, don't be greedy, don't be impatient. If you are confused when investing, then it is because you think too much and do too little. Why are you trapped in a situation? Because you are greedy, why are you being trapped ...
370 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 萧尚辉:黄金投资稳定赚钱的三大规则--正确的仓位、加仓获利、安全离场
Xiao Shanghui 2020-10-22 21:45
萧尚辉:黄金投资稳定赚钱的三大规则--正确的仓位、加仓获利、安全离场 这些天一直在看一本书《华尔街幽灵》(也有译做《幽灵的礼物》),书中提到了做交易的几个最基础的原则,通过对话形式,还原了一个交易高手的交易心得,在20年前这本书就曾风靡期货圈,里面的道理深刻,值得致力于长期交易的人耐心的读下去,尤 ...
236 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share Mo Zhu: The gold gap is finally coming back to make up, can bulls reverse the awkward situation?
Ink bamboo speaks of gold 2020-10-22 21:42
Who in life doesn't yearn for wealth, who doesn't yearn for the future, who is willing to let the boat of ideals run aground halfway, and who is willing to let the flower of love wither on the barren hills Whether the footsteps of life are heavy or light, we can not only taste the pain and confusion of failure, but also enjoy the harvest and happiness from it~ White disk stage, The gold price has maintained a narrow range correction, and the release of early bearish sentiment has made bullish gold prices unusually cautious but very strong during the day. ...
410 Secondary Reading|0 Comments
share 巨丰投资公司收服务费虚假宣传,推荐烂股只为骗你本金!
Blade Deng Lan 2020-10-22 15:56
巨丰投资公司收服务费虚假宣传,推荐烂股只为骗你本金! 根据《证券法》禁止任何单位和个人编造、传播虚假信息或者误导性信息,扰乱证券市场。禁止证券交易场所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构、证券服务机构及其从业人员,证券业协会、证券监督管理机构及其工作人员,在证券交易活动中作出虚假陈述或者信息误导。 htt ...
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