

"Ridiculously simple" system
As you know, we already have all the components to establish a good trading system. Firstly, we have decided to establish a band trading system. We will use daily charts for trading. Next, we will use a simple moving average to help us capture new trends as soon as possible. Random exponents help us determine when moving ...
2023-3-2 17:55
Three steps to create a trading system
Three steps to create a trading system
Now you have a basic understanding of technical analysis. Now let's combine all this information and establish a simple trading system. When developing your own foreign exchange trading system, this should let you know what you should be looking for. This system is a moving average crossover system, which uses the moving average line to ...
2023-3-2 17:52
Six step development of trading system
Six step development of trading system
The focus of this article is to guide you through the steps of developing a trading system. Developing a system does not take too long, but you need to take some time to fully test the system. Therefore, be patient. From a long-term perspective, a good trading system may help you earn a lot of money. step1: Time Box ...
2023-3-2 17:49
Mechanical trading system
Mechanical trading system
So far, we have taught you how to develop a trading plan. We also discussed why it is important to identify which type of trader you belong to. Next, we will teach you how to add details to the trading plan framework and show you how to create a trading system. More specifically, we will tell you what machinery is ...
2023-3-2 17:43
Summary: What type of trader are you
Summary: What type of trader are you
There are four types of traders: ultra short-term traders, which are daily close traders, band traders, position traders, ultra short-term traders, who hold trades for a few seconds, up to a few minutes. Their goal is to catch as many changes as possible during the busiest time of the day. At the beginning of a day, a daily closing trader ...
2023-3-2 17:41
Position Traders
Position trading is the longest trading mode, which can last for several months or even years. This type of trading is designed for extremely patient traders and requires them to have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals. Due to the long retention time of position transactions, the basic theme is the main focus when analyzing the market. Fundamentals are mainly used for dividing ...
2023-3-2 17:40
Band trading
Band trading
Band trading is a long-term trading method that requires patience to maintain trading for a few days. For traders who cannot monitor charts all day and can only analyze the market for a few hours at night, this is an ideal trading method. This may be more suitable for those who have work or school, but have enough free time ...
2023-3-2 17:38
Intraday trading
Intraday trading
Day to day closing trading is another short-term trading style, where you usually make one trade a day and close the trade before the end of the day. This type of trader likes to choose one side to start trading at the beginning of the day based on their own opinions, and then end the day trading, either winning or losing. They don't leave the transaction overnight. Closing and delivery on the same day ...
2023-3-2 17:37
Peel the scalp
Peel the scalp
Short term trading is like those high-end action movies, making you feel restless in your seat. It has a fast paced, stimulating, and lively mind. This type of transaction usually only lasts for a few seconds, up to a few minutes. The main purpose of ultra short term traders is to capture as many returns as possible during the busiest trading hours of the day. because ...
2023-3-2 17:35
Time is money
Time is money
The most common mistake for new traders is to believe that they can make money quickly! In a short period of time, you can indeed make money, but this does not mean that you will ultimately be profitable. A common scenario is for new traders to gain some knowledge of foreign exchange trading and find an online system that claims to make money quickly ...
2023-3-2 17:34
Understand different types of trading styles
Understand different types of trading styles
There are approximately70One billion people(Including extraterrestrial life disguised as human beings)And no two of them are exactly the same. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. Everyone has their appearance, personality, talent, and taste. Our preferences are different, and we are unique. The same goes for transactions ...
2023-3-2 17:33
【 Summary 】 Develop a transaction plan
【 Summary 】 Develop a transaction plan
The difference between earning and losing money is as simple as having a trading plan and not having a trading plan. A trading plan is an organized and systematic approach that is based on your market analysis and outlook observations, taking into account risk management and personal psychological factors. No matter how good your trading plan is ...
2023-3-2 17:33
Adhere to the trading plan
Adhere to the trading plan
The trading plan is only effective when followed. You must stick to the plan. This sounds very simple. This is common sense, but few traders can do it. Why? Trader incompatibility. For you, a trading plan should be personalized and tailored to your goals, risk tolerance, and lifestyle ...
2023-3-2 17:32
Selected Trading Weapons
Selected Trading Weapons
What are the software, hardware, and other tools you use? What are your 'toys' when trading? Write down the hardware, software, transaction data, and network connection information on your "trading platform". Don't forget to backup! Make sure you have a foolproof backup plan in case all major tools are ...
2023-3-2 17:32
Routine before daily trading
Routine before daily trading
It is important to have a pre market routine. Don't think you can jump out of bed, plop in front of your computer, open your foreign exchange broker platform, just like an apple picking an apple from a very short apple tree, it's easy to catch it. What will you do before you start trading?Before starting a transaction, you usually ...
2023-3-2 17:31

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