Wen Yuewan: Will the International Golden Week be held at the end of the general election debate or the outcome1900? Is gold and silver still falling?

already existing 338 Secondary Reading2020-10-23 09:54

Wen Yuewan: Will the International Golden Week be held at the end of the general election debate or the outcome1900? Is gold and silver still falling?


亚市早盘,国际黄金小幅上涨至1904dollar/盎司附近,金价在1900上方艰难求生,周四美元指数五个交易日来首次上涨,市场担心美国大选前达成刺激协议的前景,且欧洲报告新增确诊病例创纪录。国际黄金收跌逾20The US dollar briefly hit a near week low in the session, reaching1894.74dollar/盎司,美元走强、美债收益率上涨令金价遭受双重打击。但美众院议长佩洛西再次暗示刺激协议会谈取得进展,使金价收盘维持在1900美元上方。即将开始的最后一场总统辩论有望成为下一个催化剂。

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Analysis of today's gold trend:

黄金昨日自高位1925一线滑落收低,将周初上涨空间尽数回吐,也是在三连阳上升之后出现大阴回落,也很符合近期的走势,可以看出上方压制在前期高点1933as well asMA60阻力区域形成回撤属于正常技术走势形态,而在M国大选之前都是看震荡,不会形成有效的突破,这一点已经强调了很多次。在就是由于最近的行情都没有延续性,所以大跌之后也不能过分的去看空头趋势,只是顺势短线二次跟进即可,今日注意时间形态循环,早间基本都有一波回撤,阻力位置关注1907as well as1910。

技术面上,日线阻力一个是顶底转换1908附近,也是昨天下跌过程中修正的位置。如果走弱就是1908下方运行,但是日线不是弱势行情,还有一个是1924。而目前4Hours are accompanied by a bottoming up needle and thread. It was supported by both the Bulling Road and the low points at the beginning of the week. The continuation of the strength of today's Asian market is not obvious.KThe line shape may seem weak, but I dare not be overly bearish for the time being even if it has not fallen below the low point of the range. Mainly due to the high frequency of repeated dish washing this week. If the European market remains stable after opening1908低点之上,短线不排除回升再次收复失地。那么亚盘的阻力点就是1908-1910之间。此处是弱势延续的激进空点。弱势反弹不能高,反弹高了就会走成震荡。操作上亚盘可以先在1900/1898上轻仓多一次,上方留意08的分水岭,若是到了欧盘仍未上破,则调仓离场直接反手空,亦或者下破1894追空。



昨晚数据显示,美国上周初请失业金人数减少5.5Ten thousand people, until seasonally adjusted78.7万人,但总体人数仍相对较高。白银随黄金出现大幅调整,但因为白银的工业属性强于黄金,似乎比较抗跌。日线图上白银自年初低点11.3Starting from the US dollar, the fifth wave is currently in operation, and the structure cannot yet determine whether the fifth wave has ended.1Hour chart from23.56The upward trend line since then has been broken downwards and has rebounded to38.2%The position of the market will continue to focus on rebound structures in the future, with a focus on the golden section line61.8%(24.93)。白银操作上建议中长线等待新的机会,短线关注24.93一线阻力,盘中若出现明显压制信号则可做空。



Wen Yuewan Official Onlyqq:1301927446; WeChat:wyws36

writing/Wen Yuewan

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