Can the election change the golden trend as the epidemic intensifies?

already existing 257 Secondary Reading2020-10-19 10:48

[b]​"Investment is people's expectation of the future of assets",This is Dongsheng Finance[/b]

[b]The new week has already begun. Let's first take a look at last Friday's gold trend, which remained unchanged during the day1900Above the US dollar, it fluctuated mainly in the late trading stage, and briefly moved upwards after the US market opened1913.8The intraday high of the US dollar, followed by a decline and loss1900The gateway of[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]International gold closing quotation last Friday1898.59dollar/Ounces, decline0.51%[/b][/backcolor]
[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Closing quotation of the US dollar index93.72, decline0.06%[/b][/backcolor]
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[b]现如今美国政府的预算赤字,达到创纪录的3.1Trillion US dollars, the proportion of deficit in the economy skyrocketed to16%,创下二战以来最高水平。这样的消息只看表面没有任何意义,各位都知道美国的债券已经到了还不起的地步,但其经济结构的吸血能力能维持其长红,所以在国际方面美国一旦表现弱势,其债务带来的后果将是病来如山倒[/b]
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[b][backcolor=#8db3e2]International Gold Hour Trend[/backcolor][/b]

[b]黄金近期都在走波动,多次向上并未进行突破来重走大涨的局面,周一早间市场在消化周末消息的影响,可等午盘后来抉择入场机会,明确的走势要等大选结束后,在此之前大概率还是会维持1933USD and1980美元之间波动[/b]
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[b]Gold in1900附近不过过多考虑,等午后黄金走至1910后可进空,若黄金进一步测试底部支撑,可在1890进多。一小时方面kLine under pressure60均线下方收阳,蜡烛收出长下影线,市场空头走势渐弱,MA5The daily moving average runs upwards10均线,呈现金叉,指标macd绿色动能柱缩量,上午关注黄金能否突破60日均线进一步上测压力[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Golden Operation Concept1910Empty, stop loss1913.9, Objective1898[/b][/backcolor]

[b]Author: Dongsheng Finance and Economics[/b]
[b]Writing time:2020/10/19[/b]
[b]The above views are for reference only and do not serve as a basis for firm trading. The article is written by Dongsheng Finance and Economics. If reprinting is required, it must be approved by the author or indicate the source. Reproduction of my article without my consent will result in legal liability being pursued in accordance with the law[/b]

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