
already existing 179 Secondary Reading2020-9-24 11:02

[b]​"Investment is people's expectation of the future of assets",This is Dongsheng Finance[/b]

[b]新的一天已然到来,我们看早盘市场前,先来回顾下国际黄金昨日的行情走势,开盘后整体走低,欧盘时段有所反弹,拉升至1894后承压回落,一度跌破1860The gateway of[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]International Gold Closing Quotation1862.76dollar/Ounces, decline1.95%[/b][/backcolor]
[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Closing quotation of the US dollar index94.34Increase0.39%[/b][/backcolor]
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[b]我们来看国际黄金一小时走势,黄金位于布林带下行通道内,黄金虽然在1873获得支撑进行反弹,随后反弹触碰1894.89承压回落,经过结构性调整后,黄金跌落1860Below,macd双线均位于0Below the axis[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Gold Morning Market1870进场空,目标1848Stop loss1978[/b][/backcolor]

[b]Author: Dongsheng Finance and Economics[/b]
[b]Writing time:2020/9/24[/b]
[b]The above views are for reference only and do not serve as a basis for firm trading. The article is written by Dongsheng Finance and Economics. If reprinting is required, it must be approved by the author or indicate the source. Reproduction of my article without my consent will result in legal liability being pursued in accordance with the law[/b]

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