Weekend Gold Breakthrough

already existing 212 Secondary Reading2020-8-21 14:46 |Personal classification:gold

[b]​"Investment is people's expectation of the future of assets",This is Dongsheng Finance[/b]

[b]International gold fluctuated yesterday, but within the day1925-1950The US dollar fluctuated up and down within the range, ultimately closing slightly higher. The corresponding US dollar index showed weakness and fell again93Below the checkpoint[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Yesterday's International Gold Closing Quotation1946.83dollar/Ounces, increase0.96%[/b][/backcolor]
[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Closing quotation of the US dollar index92.74, decline0.28%[/b][/backcolor]
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[b]What kind of news has emerged internationally today? Let's take a look[/b]
[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]Last week, the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States rebounded to100More than 10000 people[/b][/backcolor]
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[b]From the United States to8month15Record of initial claims for unemployment benefits for the current week110.6Ten thousand people, exceeding expectations92.5Ten thousand people. Last week, the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States unexpectedly rebounded to100More than ten thousand people indicate that the US job market is struggling due to the pandemic. New cases of infection continue to increase nationwide, forcing some businesses in the most severely affected areas to either close again or suspend restarts[/b]
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[b]The market has always been optimistic about data news from the United States, and at one point gave92.5The expectations of tens of thousands of people, and the market has indeed become unpopular. From the side, it can be seen that restarting the economy without considering the epidemic will inevitably suffer a backlash. When data analysis is disconnected from the real economy, that is why the United States can bring huge fluctuations to the market[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]The US Internal Revenue Service predicts that millions of US jobs will be lost in the coming years[/b][/backcolor]
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[b]The IRS predicts that the decline in U.S. jobs may last for several years, which shows the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to data released on Thursday, the IRS expects2021There will be2.294Yiyi can be classified as an employee position, which is approximately lower than the estimate before last year's pandemic3720ten thousand[/b]
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[b]The current world situation is characterized by the speed of recovery, and it is important to see who can quickly recover from the impact of the epidemic. The expected loss of jobs by the US tax bureau is undoubtedly a key blow to the market. It should be noted that market investment is for the future, and if your future situation is not good, who will invest in you? This can be seen in various aspects of economic performance in the future. In the future, the recall of low-end manufacturing industries may not only be verbal, After all, you can't make the cake bigger, so grab some[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b][b]goldT+DOne hour Bollinger Belt Trend (Indicator Parameters20Day)[/b][/b][/backcolor]
[b]We use Brin to bring this week's goldT+DThe one hour trend, after opening, runs within the upper and middle tracks, and continues to rise in the upward channel until reaching432.8After reaching the pressure level, it was affected by the US market and subsequently declined, and the shape of the Bollinger belt also changed here, breaking the downward trajectory in the candle entity423.6The time narrowed and the downward channel was clarified. Later, it fluctuated, but the following behavior led to a decline all the way to411.3The support level of gold has significantly increased compared to the previous low, and then the gold pullback entered a volatile period. The shape of the Bollinger belt has also significantly changed, preparing for the next wave of the market[/b]
[backcolor=#8db3e2][b][b][b][b][b]International Gold1Hourly trend,MAMoving Average (parameter10Day,5Day)[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/backcolor]
[b]Next, let's take a look at the hourly trend of international gold, where gold1924.48To test the support, yellow5Daily Express Upward Charge Through Blue10The daily moving average forms a gold cross support, while after experiencing a significant decline in gold, bullish sentiment is not strong, followed by a volatile market. Over time, gold volatility also leads the moving average out of the intersection. We can rely on the gold cross points below to understand the market situation[/b]
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[backcolor=#8db3e2][b]gold1955Multiple, stop loss1945, Objective1965After breaking the position, you can look towards1980[/b][/backcolor]

[b]Author: Dongsheng Finance and Economics[/b]
[b]Writing time:2020/8/21[/b]
[b]The above views are for reference only and do not serve as a basis for firm trading. The article is written by Dongsheng Finance and Economics. If reprinting is required, it must be approved by the author or indicate the source. Reproduction of my article without my consent will result in legal liability being pursued in accordance with the law[/b]

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