Zhou Jinrui10.13黄金暴跌暴涨还会涨吗?黄金白银原油趋势解析操作策略

already existing 199 Secondary Reading2020-10-13 18:34 |Personal classification:Strategy for Gold, Crude Oil, and Silver Operations

Article Abstract: Technical Analysis of Gold, Silver, and Crude Oil.How to stir fry gold for beginnersTDcrude oil.goldTDWhat to do with losses on crude oil investment?Analysis of the Trend of Gold and Crude Oil.Recommendations for Operation of Gold Crude Oil.Gold crude oil strategy.Investing in international gold, crude oil, and silverTDHow to analyze the market situation? Today's Gold, Crude Oil, SilverTDWhat do you think when you're free? How to recover losses from investing in spot gold? goldTDsilverTDHow to operate the short line? What are the current gold resistance and support levels? Novice investing in gold and silverTDHow should I make the order? Will London gold prices continue to rise today? silverTDWill it still fall? What recent news will affect gold and silverTDTrend? What is the impact of the rise and fall of the US dollar on gold? Gold, crude oil, silverTDAnalysis of today's market trend and operational suggestions, will spot gold continue to rise today? US crude oil silverTDWill it still fall? International Gold and SilverTDHow to operate today?
If you want to invest, it is very important to have a good grasp of the news surface. Without professional technical expertise to analyze the news surface, you will enter the market recklessly. Who can guarantee stable profits? No one has been successful from the beginning. Zhou Jinrui believes that even those of you who are reading this article now, by constantly absorbing new information and taking advice from others, you do not seek to be a victorious general, but rather to reflect, summarize, and correct during the continuous process of profit and loss. I have always emphasized to my investment friends that in the process of trading, regardless of the type of product being operated, it is important to grasp the trend, control points, control risks, and allocate profits. The market itself is a process of risk and profit game, and what we need to do is to find the optimal solution and make the choice that is most conducive to our goal of stable profitability. The market happens every day, I would rather miss it than make a mistake. We prioritize risk control and strictly stop losses; Reasonable layout and stable profitability.
Analysis of the trend of spot gold, silver, London gold, and paper gold [Zhou Jinrui WeChat:zjr5857】Suggestions for crude oil and silver operations, gold and silver markets, daily analysis of gold and silver, latest strategies, and techniques for unwinding long and short orders!
Analysis of Gold Market Trend
Analysis of Gold News: Tuesday(10month13day)现货黄金暴跌至1910Nearby, the overnight decline of the US dollar has been temporarily suspended, causing some short-term bullish gold to take profits, butSPDR持仓增加再度逼近逾七年半,暗示机构投资者和中长线看涨情绪依然高昂。市场的目光开始聚焦美国大选的相关消息,民调显示,拜登胜选的可能性校大,周金瑞认为如果拜登赢得大选,黄金将再上涨5%。因对疫情的担忧抑制了对美国可能出台疫情援助议案的乐观情绪,美元指数周一基本持平,持于三周低位附近,守住了93At the integer level, there was a slight increase in the Asian market at the beginning of Tuesday, and trading is currently focused on93.17附近,在黄金上周大涨后,金市出现了一些短线获利抛盘,令金价短线小幅承压。但周金瑞认为目前基本面状况令美元仍面临一定的下行风险,仍有望在后市给金价提供机会。关注公众号“金油周金瑞”即可实时获得最新的操作策略。

  同时我们可以从4小时中看到,黄金此波的反弹自低点1872附近,反弹至高点1933一线以来,几乎一直是以强势上涨,中途少有回调,而此波走势已经单边连续上涨60美金有余,也是需要技术回调。从此波反弹的斐波那契线来看,回调至0.236一线都吃力,那么单边上涨又能持续多久?所以黄金短期从技术方面来看,下方需要回调的点位起码在1910Or1903Nearby, that is0.382Or0.5一线,我们更看好0.5一线的回调。回调之后再次拉升向上,突破1930Afterwards, step back1930附近,再次向上发力,挑战日线级别回落的最后一次反弹高点位置1960~1971附近,破位之后形成多头走势。综合来看,今日黄金短线操作思路上周金瑞建议低多为主,高空为辅。上方关注1935-1940One line of resistance, pay attention below1900-1905Frontline support.
Friends who have just entered the market for gold, silver, and crude oil may not be able to access the top news or news in the international market due to work, life, and other issues. This is a great problem for us to do gold, silver, and crude oil. Therefore, Zhou Jinrui welcomes investment friends to come to me and communicate and progress together, so that everyone can stay informed of the international market trends anytime and anywhere, and make the most stable orders. Guiding WeChat:zjr5857
Analysis of crude oil market trend
Analysis of crude oil news: Tuesday(10month13日)美原油窄幅波动。利比亚未来石油产量可能上升至60Ten thousand barrels, this will benefitOPECThe efforts of its allies, including Russia, to suppress supply to support oil prices pose a challenge. The Governor of the Central Bank of Libya has called on the industry to increase oil production to17010000 barrels/Today, this will exceed the country's production before the oil port blockade12010000 barrels/Day. Gulf of Mexico, United States12810000 barrels/Day (or69.4%)The crude oil production capacity and12.764Billion cubic feet/Day (or47.1%)的天然气产能被关闭。比上一日已经有更多重启。疫情病例的激增也对油价造成了压力,这已经引发了对更多封锁的担忧,经济封锁可能会抑制石油的需求。另外,亚阿冲突也需要关注,目前亚美尼亚部队仍极不可能有意直接打击“Ganja Gap”The pipeline. However, if the war continues to escalate, attacks on important oil and gas infrastructure cannot be completely ruled out.
Technical aspect of crude oil: The daily yield of crude oil is on the negative side, and after a continuous positive rise, it briefly turns negative and steps back to correct. The daily line is temporarily in a wide range41.50-36.0Waiting for a breakthrough between. The weekly closing shows that the trend is relatively higher, and as long as there is no backtesting too deep this week, there is still a chance for the short-term to break through41.40High points, once broken, will open up new upward space. The interval will further move up.4After reaching a high point for an hour, the backtesting will drive the closing of Blindo, and the lower part will focus on the previous low point39.0Defensive support, this position is also4The support point for the bottom track of Houbulin Road. If it is strong, the backtesting will not miss the low point of the step. In the short term, it will further rise. Overall, last week, Jinrui personally suggested that the short-term operation strategy for crude oil today should focus on low highs and supplemented by high highs. Top short-term focus41.5-42.0Frontline resistance, short-term focus below38.0-38.5Frontline support. Currently, friends who have nested orders in their positions are unable to provide corresponding unwinding strategies due to the author Zhou Jinrui's lack of knowledge about the location of your nested orders and the specific situation of your positions. Friends who need to unwind can use WeChatzjr5857obtain.
Take advantage of the situation, there is a way to obtain wealth! Please remember never to go against trends. The service has never changed, and responsibility is always in our hearts. The guidance and service provided by Zhou Jinrui's team have been ongoing since the morning7spot-before dawn2Point provides comprehensive analysis, tracking, and tracking services; Our cooperative clients can easily engage in trading, which is the ultimate goal of our services; We know that in order to have a harmonious relationship with customers like friends, we strive to achieve mutual benefit in the process of cooperation. Only when customers improve their technology and positions on our side, we take responsibility and patiently teach them to fish. Only in this way can we achieve a win-win situation in cooperation. This is our pursuit based on the financial industry!
Author's Message: I hope my article can bring you valuable insights and ensure smooth sailing in future investments. If you need to learn more about spot investments, trading techniques, operational techniques, and long short solutions τ as well asKYou can contact Zhou Jinrui by phone.
This article is written by Zhou Jinrui (WeChat:zjr5857)Contributing, I interpret the world economic news, analyze the global investment trends, and analyze the impact of crude oil, gold We have conducted in-depth research on commodities such as silver and others. Due to the delay in online push, the above content is personal advice. Due to the timeliness of online posts, it is for reference only and at our own risk. Please indicate the source of the reprint.

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