Lu Jinying10.24Weekly review of the gold, silver, and crude oil market analysis shows that the key resistance above is still bearish even if it does not break through!

already existing 451 Secondary Reading2020-10-24 04:02

   Weekends are not only about rest, but also a process of learning and self-improvement. Develop a habit of reviewing and analyzing recent market trends and reading on weekends. Of course, you also have to marvel at how time flies, and every weekend is a calm extension that allows you to better face new opportunities and challenges after taking a break. Some things need to be learned to be engraved on the beach, don't easily engrave them in your heart, as heavy burdens can easily drag down your running speed. Writing a weekly review is actually about expressing one's views on the trend of the market, and on the other hand, it helps everyone who is watching analyze the market and solve problems. As the saying goes, before the troops and horses move, food and grass go first. No matter how profitable you have been in the past, don't forget to summarize my three provinces in Japan.
Analysis of the gold market trend next Monday:
  黄金技术面分析:黄金昨日收出大阴线,低位已经刺探1894The fluctuation and increase since the three consecutive positive rebounds of the daily line have all been recouped, and the washing mode has reappeared. On the daily trend, gold showed a reverse selling pattern yesterday. The previous three consecutive positive rebounds on the daily trend formed a volatile and short selling pattern, but it quickly reversed and took back yesterday. The three waves of decline will1900The checkpoints have been breached, driving the overall structure back into a weak and volatile horizontal structure. Since the opening of this Friday, although there has been a rebound in the market, it has mostly been a lag correction, with little impact on the structure under pressure. It is important to pay attention to the impact of the market on1920and1890How to break through the position selection. So, the current short-term strategy should focus on defense, rather than chasing rebounds.
At the daily level, gold prices have undergone a slow positive test this week1931Yesterday, the frontline team returned to the recent low range of the horizontal market again1920-1890Choose a direction. A negative closing on the daily line may cause the market to cling to a disoriented state again, and further clear guidance may still be needed in the future. Investors should not follow the trend of rising or falling within this range. Conversely, maintaining high selling and low buying within the range may be more stable. On an hourly level, the short-term gold price performance recorded two consecutive rounds of decline on Thursday, until the price returned to the previous low volatility area, but the lower support1894附近仍未形成跌破迹象,料行情短期内或仍有反弹上周上攻表现继续震荡。综合来看:下周一黄金短线操作思路上卢金迎个人建议以反弹做空为主,反弹做空为辅,上方短期重点关注195-1920Resistance, short-term focus below1890-1894Frontline support.
  1The rebound above the gold does not break1914-1916Short on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1902-1900frontline;
  2The pullback below the gold does not break1892-1894Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target1905-1907frontline;
  俄罗斯总统普京称,俄罗斯方面对推迟欧佩克+We maintain an open attitude towards increasing production and will follow the degree of market recovery to determine whether to further suppress oil production. In the future30-50It is unrealistic to give up using hydrocarbons during the year.10month23日美油小幅下跌,美国有望达成刺激协议,且就业数据意外向好,但全球需求前景仍蒙阴,美国疫情恶化,且欧洲进一步管控。俄罗斯总统普京表示,俄罗斯不排除OPEC+增产计划推迟的可能性。高盛对能源持有更为审慎的观点,称尽管石油库存仍高企,但能源价格的上涨很可能在冬季后出现。
Oil prices opened yesterday at39.99dollar/桶,开盘后出现回撤在触及39.6位置后出现企稳反弹,欧盘时段连续上涨,在40.5位置出现承压,区间40.5-40.0震荡,美盘油价延续走高,最高给到了40.98水平出现承压,最后收盘在40.590dollar/桶。原油日线收盘中阳线,在周三大阴线后周四就出现中阳线,进一步表现了多头反抗比较强劲,纵观近一个月走势,油价运行在39.4-41.7区间,行情走势就围绕这个区间上下徘徊。
  在连续三周走势中,原油均出现了先跌后涨走势,周线出现带有下影线的阳k线,本周再次面临周五周线收官,形态上已经出现了下影线了,在周三出现了快速下跌后,周四反弹触及41.0位置后出现回踩,今日开盘没有出现跳空迹象,如果继续走高,后市会考虑回撤布局多单,考虑前阻力位置布局空单,反之延续下行,将考验高空思路,重点关注41.0破位情况,综合来看,下周原油短线操作思路上卢金迎个人建议以低多为主,高空为辅。上方短期重点关注41.0-41.5Frontline resistance, short-term focus below38.5-39.0Frontline support.
  1Crude oil rebounded to41.3-41.5Short on the front line, stop loss0.4US dollars, look at the target40.5-40.3frontline;
  2Crude oil callback to39.0-39.5Long on the front line, stop loss4US dollars, look at the target40.7-40.9frontline;
Don't make investing too difficult. Trading requires a bit of self encouragement. No matter when, you need to have some faith and confidence. In investing, you can't help but cry and laugh, enjoy a wild smile, and occasionally accept the tears of sadness. The green mountains and clear waters are still there, and people come and go differently. You need to learn to get used to them and also learn to see them clearly. Your inner peace is the most authentic scenery in life. Even if only your own shadow accompanies you, don't forget to smile at yourself. There are always many obstacles that need to be crossed. Don't easily reject them. They will become a habit for you. You must have some thought and learn to tell yourself, 'The sun will rise even after setting, and unfortunate days will come to an end.'.
In terms of trading - if the order is covered or the position is in hand, first and foremost, you should take a look at the daily trend! The second step is to observe important support and resistance points. The third step is to make a decision and decide whether to lock in the position, stop loss, or backhand, as well as whether to carry on dead! If your order is against the trend, then you can simply set a stop loss at an important point. If there is a break, resolutely stop the loss and take a backhand! I really don't want to lose. If you have the courage, you can double your orders and earn back the book loss!

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