Xu Bohong:10.21黄金强势反弹晚间多空怎么看?黄金还会跌吗?

already existing 231 Secondary Reading2020-10-21 20:33

The road to investment is long, and I have learned to remain calm. The market is often full of contradictions between technology and news, so speak less and listen more. No matter how hard you put in today, tomorrow's fallen leaves will still drift down. The market is inherently unpredictable, and impermanence is a norm in the capital market. Learn to get used to it.K线的涨涨跌跌在时钟的“滴答”声中飞速流逝。下面本人徐博鸿为你带来简单的一篇文章,希望可以帮助你。

  亚盘时段,现货黄金创逾一周新高,现货黄金现报1916.5dollar/Ounces, increase0.5%;美元创一个月新低,业内分析师指出,如果稍后美国财政援助协议如预期达成,那么市场乐观情绪会被进一步释放,这将导致避险美元进一步遭到抛售,从而对金价构成短线利多,推动现货黄金价格升破上周的高点1933美元,而短期内,美国大选选情的进一步发酵才是左右金价走势的关键。如果大选结果无法在第一时间出炉陷入扯皮僵局,由此带来的政治风险将令所有美元资产遭到全线抛售,从而令金价迎来扶摇直上的契机。
  日线图上看,黄金延续此前震荡走升的势头,目前逼近50Daily moving average1923.91美元。日图MACD红色动能柱依旧疲弱,KDJRandom indicators remain stable at50水平上方,指示黄金看涨动能不强,目前倾向于震荡。4小时图上看,金价持续上涨谈判关键的200Mean Square1913美元,关注收盘能否站稳这一水平。MACD红色动能柱逐步扩张,KDJ随机指标向上反弹逼近超买水平,指示黄金短线仍存在进一步上涨的空间。但结合均线指标的凌乱发散。大周期均线依旧在上方形成压制。显示出短期仍走不出单边方向。探高后仍会伴随承压回落。日内短线还是当作震荡,不过考虑到美元的弱势下行,亚欧盘可能会先延续小幅的上扬,再进行修正回调。综合来看,黄金今日短线操作思路上徐博鸿建议以回调做多为主,反弹高空为辅,上方短期重点关注1923-1928Frontline resistance, short-term focus below1907-1894Frontline support. Friends who want to learn more gold investment techniques can add WeChat:xbh768Every morning7From midnight to early morning2Click on real-time online guidance.

Every day, the Moments update trend analysis and operational ideas. Those who need to assess their strength can go and see them, while those who need to see suggestions can go and see them on their own. Customers who are not themselves provide direction and big expectations without charging. Once you have considered it, you can follow the actual operation. If you feel that I cannot help you or have any questions, you can continue to investigate to avoid wasting everyone's time. After all, time is precious and not wasted, I cannot guarantee that the order accuracy will be achieved100%. But we must be the most patient and responsible analysis team. You must also be a capable analyst!
Wen/Xu Bohong (WeChat:xbh768)

The above article is exclusively compiled by financial analyst Xu Bohong, providing more experience in investing in gold and crude oil, trading strategies, detailed information and technical explanations, reminders for position building and closing positions. Teacher Xu Bohong provides online guidance!

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