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Divine Hand Gold Rushing: Dreams must exist, and platforms are very important.

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Friends who have had operational experience should know that whether it iscrude oilgold,白银,行情不是涨就是跌,是个正常人都知道有百分之50的盈利机会,为什么自己操作,还是跟着老师操作,最后结果都一样亏损?

我总结有以下几点,第一点,平台交易成本太高,很多做原油,黄金,白银出生的客户,都是做的现货国内盘。简单的来说,现货就是futures的衍生品,在2014Year to2016During this period, it was the peak of the entire spot industry, and almost everyone knew it, which is not an exaggeration. Especially2015During the stock market crash in, the investment enthusiasm for spot crude oil even surpassed that of stocks at one point.

按原油来算,大部分平台都是1Around a point, we will make a comeback,1000Barrels of crude oil, fluctuating at one point1000Yuan, which means the cost of trading firsthand1000元,在行情不大的情况下,很难回本,加上昂贵的手续费,无形之中极大增加了交易风险。为什么国内盘的交易成本要这么高,做过内盘的朋友应该都知道,就是要你输,玩过欢乐斗地主的朋友可能有体会,打个几把本来是输赢相等,结果欢乐豆没有了,都交了桌子钱,我这样说大家应该能够理解。

Let's talk about the next question. Many clients will encounter it, and with the addition of a teacher, you can achieve an accuracy rate of 100% before you transfer to his platform80,当你看到实力相信之后,高高兴兴的转到那边老师平台仿佛遇到了救星,但是接下来连续的亏损让你心痛不已,为什么会这样,四个关键字,交易对赌,所谓的交易对赌就是客户输,平台赚,客户赚平台输,




US crude oil: fixed margin400USD in one hand/1000Bucket, Fluctuation0.04USD return, fluctuating0.01USD profit and loss10USD, no spread, no overnight fee.

Silver: Fixed margin400USD in one hand/5000Ounces, fluctuating1.6USD return, fluctuating0.005USD profit and loss25USD, no spread, no overnight fee.

US Gold: Estimated Margin400USD in one hand/100Ounces, fluctuating0.4USD return, fluctuating0.1USD profit and loss10USD, no spread, no overnight fee.

Natural gas: Fixed margin400USD in one hand/10000mmBtuFluctuation0.004USD return, fluctuating0.001USD profit and loss10USD, no spread, no overnight fee.

布伦特原油:保证金固定400USD in one hand/1000Bucket, Fluctuation0.04USD return, fluctuating0.01USD profit and loss10USD, no spread, no overnight fee.


writing/Divine Hand Gold Rushing V taojin000

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