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CPT Markets: USA11Unexpected strengthening of monthly terrorist data! The Bank of England and the European Central Bank12Monthly maintenance...

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CPT Markets: USA11Unexpected strengthening of monthly terrorist data! The Bank of England and the European Central Bank12Monthly maintenance...837 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727116

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USD Index (DXY):

CPT Markets: USA11Unexpected strengthening of monthly terrorist data! The Bank of England and the European Central Bank12Monthly maintenance...365 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727116


Chairman of the Federal Reserve Powell 提到的需求放缓并没有像预期的那样迅速,至少从零售销售情况来看是这样,该数据优于所有总体数据。而初请失业救济金人数也远低于预期,甚至进口物价也没有市场预测的那么负面,这些数据肯定不像过去24小时的市场走势那样偏向鸽派。亚特兰大联储预测第四季度GDPWill grow1.2%,低于美联储官员认为的1.8%左右的非通胀增长率。 10Month to12月的增长也受到贸易逆差扩大和库存积累放缓的限制。 7Month to9月季度经济增速为5.2%。尽管增长正在降温,但大多数经济学家预计不会出现衰退,因为劳动力市场将继续以健康的速度创造就业机会。

In terms of yesterday's financial event data, the US Department of Labor announced that as of12month9The number of people applying for and renewing unemployment benefits for the current week has decreased compared to expectations20.2Wanhe187.6万人,反映出劳动力就业市场有所改善。此外,美国商务部公布11月零售销售年月率上升至4.09%and0.3% (newspaper7056.92USD100mn)The core monthly rate has increased year-on-year to0.2% (newspaper5711.88USD100mn),显示出市场对零售商品需求强劲。在通胀数据方面,美国劳工部公布11月进口物价年月率上升至-1.4%and-0.4%,表明生产企业无法消化进口商品物价成本。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 101.90,102.30; From the downward direction, the lower support101.50。

euro/GBP (EURGBP):

CPT Markets: USA11Unexpected strengthening of monthly terrorist data! The Bank of England and the European Central Bank12Monthly maintenance...180 / author:CPT / PostsID:1727116

After a significant decline in the euro against the pound on Thursday, it fell to0.8609附近,欧央周四如预期维持利率不变,并暗示提前结束其最后一项债券购买计划,结束长达十年的吸纳20国欧元债务的实验。

在欧洲央行的新闻发布会上,欧洲央行的 Lagarde 甚至表示,还没有讨论过降息问题,也不在讨论之列,这与美联储预计并宣布在 2024 年降息的做法大相径庭。欧洲央行今年早些时候将利率提高至历史新高,但过去几个月出乎意料的良性通胀数据几乎排除了进一步收紧政策的可能性,从而将争论转向了政策逆转的速度。为了阻止这些不断加剧的降息押注,欧洲央行甚至没有暗示政策宽松即将到来,而是维持了未来稳定利率的指引。欧洲央行在一份声明中表示,欧洲央行的关键利率水平如果维持足够长的时间,将为通胀目标做出重大贡献。

另一方面,市场预计4月将有两次降息,明年全年将宽松155个基点,尽管许多保守派政策制定者在12月会议之前试图推翻这些预期。此外,英国央行BOEstay 12 月会议上做出不改变利率决议后,行长 Bailey 在新闻发布会上指出,我们不能说利率已经见顶。
From the upward direction, the upper suppression(Upper resistance) 0.8600,0.8640; From the downward direction, the lower support0.8570。

CPT MarketsRisk Tips and Disclaimers : The above article content is for reference only and is not intended as future investment advice.CPT Markets The articles published are mainly based on international financial data reports and international news as reference.

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