

Summary: Cross currency pairs
As you can see, in addition to the major currencies involved in the US dollar, cross currency pairs provide you with more trading opportunities. Cross currency pairs enrich traders' trading choices, which means their trading opportunities are greatly increased. We usually see that the trend of cross currency pairs is more pronounced than the straight market. you ...
2023-2-18 15:11
How Crossovers Affect the US Dollar Currency Pair
How Crossovers Affect the US Dollar Currency Pair
We assume that the Federal Reserve announces that it will take interest rate hikes. The buying of the US dollar against major currencies is rapidly emerging in the market. euro/USD, GBP/The US dollar fell, while the US dollar/Swiss francs and US dollars/The yen has risen. You choose to short the euro/The US dollar, and I'm glad to see that the trend of the exchange rate keeps you profiting, but, ...
2023-2-18 15:11
Observing Crossovers for Direct Trading
Observing Crossovers for Direct Trading
Even if you don't plan to trade cross currency pairs, but only want to trade the main US dollar direct, you can still use cross currency pairs to help you make better trading decisions. Here is an example. Cross currency pairs can provide clues to the relative strength relationship between each major currency pair. For example, when you see the euro/beautiful ...
2023-2-18 15:10
Euro and Japanese Yen Crossover
Euro and Japanese Yen Crossover
Besides the US dollar, the euro and Japanese yen are the most frequently traded currencies. Meanwhile, like the US dollar, some countries also hold euros and yen as their foreign exchange reserves. So, the cross currency pair of the Japanese yen and the Japanese yen has become the most liquid currency pair outside of the US dollar's direct trading. Trading Euro currency against the most common Euro cross currency ...
2023-2-18 15:10
Creating synthetic currency pairs
Creating synthetic currency pairs
Sometimes, institutional traders are not able to trade specific cross currency pairs because the market does not have enough liquidity to execute their orders. In order to execute the transactions they want, they must create a 'synthetic currency pair'. So, what is a synthetic currency pair? Assuming you have conducted relevant analysis and have ...
2023-2-18 15:09
Develop trading plans based on fundamentals
Develop trading plans based on fundamentals
If there are strong economic data releases from Australia, you are likely to consider buying the Australian dollar. Your first reaction may be to buy Australian dollars in the foreign exchange market/USD. But what if at the same time, the recent economic data released by the United States also shows strong performance? AUD/The US dollar exchange rate is likely to fluctuate slightly. One of your options is, ...
2023-2-18 15:09
Very common cross currency pairs
Very common cross currency pairs
Although the euro and yen cross currency pair is the most liquid cross currency pair, the vast majority of cross currency pairs do not include the euro or yen. We refer to these currency pairs as' very common cross currency pairs'. If we are at school - wait a moment, we are actually at school! The main currency pairs are like that ...
2023-2-18 15:08
Trading using spreads
Trading using spreads
By selling low interest rate currencies against high interest rate currencies, you can profit through interest rate spreads and exchange rate fluctuations. It's like you got a cupcake with scattered little candies on top! It's greeting you! Imagine if the taste of it is particularly delicious. Cross currency alignment, there are some ...
2023-2-18 15:07
The advantages of cross currency pairs
The advantages of cross currency pairs
Due to the fact that the vast majority of currency pairs in the foreign exchange market involve the US dollar, the publication of the vast majority of reports or data may lead to significant fluctuations in the US dollar related currency pairs. The United States has the world's largest economy, so speculators will react strongly to the reports released by the United States, despite the fact that in the long run, the number of reports ...
2023-2-18 15:06
Why do trading cross currency pairs
Why do trading cross currency pairs
Exceeding in the foreign exchange market90%All transactions involve US dollars. This is because the US dollar is the global reserve currency. You may ask yourself, "Why is the global reserve currency the US dollar instead of the pound or euro?" Most agricultural and industrial commodities, such as oil, are priced in US dollars. If a country needs to purchase stones ...
2023-2-18 15:05
交叉货币对,也称为交叉盘,即不包括美元在内的货币对。回到以前,如果某人想要兑换其他货币,他们首先不得不将其货币兑换成美元,再将美元兑换成他们需要的货币。比如说,如果某人想要将英镑兑换成日元,他首先需要 ...
2023-2-18 15:05
对于预测市场可能对经济数据所做出的反应,并不存在一个万能的公式,而对于为什么市场会作出如此反应,也没有一个标准的答案。你通常会看到,在数据公布后市场会作出最初的反应,这一反应通常会很短暂,但是波动巨大 ...
2023-2-18 15:04
如果你在百度上搜索“外汇+新闻”,你会发现相关的搜索结果大约384万个,而你要是搜索“外汇+数据”,这一结果则更是达到637万个。是的,就是这么多。这也难怪你需要到这里来学习相关的课程。在外汇领域,确实有太多 ...
2023-2-18 15:03
有一些基本面因素会决定货币对的长期走势轮廓。以下所列举的即是这些因素中的最主要因素:经济增长及其前景我们先从经济以及消费者、企业以及政府所持的经济前景这一简单的因素开始讨论。很容易理解,当消费者预计经 ...
2023-2-18 15:02
我们已经知道,货币价格会受到一国利率变动的影响。我们也知道,利率最终受到央行对一国经济和价格稳定性观点的影响,这会影响到央行的货币政策。中央银行和其他的机构一样,也有一名领导人,我们称为央行行长或主席 ...
2023-2-18 15:01

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