Jincheng Jiepan:11.15Market analysis and operational suggestions for the evening Hang Seng Index, gold, crude oil, and US copper

already existing 198 Secondary Reading2018-11-15 17:46

As the most important industrial raw material, crude oil prices will have an impact on economic growth and inflation. At the same time, due to the close connection between inflation and monetary policy, interest rates, etc., this round of oil price decline may have an impact on global macroeconomic, stock market, foreign exchange market, and commodity prices.

The sharp drop in oil prices this round is due to the contradiction between supply and demand in the crude oil market.11month13On the th, OPEC released its latest monthly report, and the organization expects2019Global crude oil demand will increase in12910000 barrels/日,较上月预测的少7万桶。这是其自7月份以来第四次下调预期,当时的预测为14510000 barrels/Day.2019年对欧佩克产原油的需求比先前预期下降更快,主要原因是全球经济放缓抑制需求,且竞争对手供应激增。

  此前,美国总统特朗普的相关表态,被市场指为连日来油价暴跌的“导火索”。特朗普在推特上表示:“基于供应情况,油价应该要低得多。”从今年4月起,特朗普屡屡批评欧佩克人为抬高油价,并从4Month to7月基本每个月至少发一条推特要求欧佩克增产来压低油价。


  1Suggest to use25900Multiple entry nearby, target26450Stop loss25800


Beautiful Gold12号合约,黄金今日开盘回落四小时支撑之后,KDJ没有交叉向下,在支撑位置没能直接突破,欧盘持续反弹到1215附近,短线依旧是一个震荡趋势,消息面影响下方形成一定阻力建议回落做多。

  1Suggest to use1210-1212Multiple entry nearby, target1220Stop loss1206


US crude oil01号合约,原油昨日是本月以来首次收阳,今日开盘到目前持续震荡,回落之后也是有不错的反弹,日线KDJ是一个反弹趋势,小时线收口向上,建议关注下方支撑不破做多。

  1Suggest to use56-56.10Multiple entry nearby, target57.30Nearby, stop loss55.60



  1Suggest to use2.7300Multiple entry nearby, target2.7600First line, break through to see2.7800-2.8000Stop loss2.7200

Wen/Jincheng Jiepan

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