Foreign Exchange Account Manager

2023-3-3 14:05| Publisher: 5566| see: 318| comment: 0

abstract: Don't have time to learn how to conduct foreign exchange trading? Want to be a member of billions of clubs? If the answer you provided is' yes' on these two questions, then the account manager scam description is perfect for you! A scam occurs when investors "invest" through "professional" traders, who use their money to profit. Listen to this ...

No time to learn how to proceedforeign exchangeTrading? Want to be a member of billions of clubs?

If the answer you provided is' yes' on these two questions, then the account manager scam description is perfect for you!

Foreign Exchange Account Manager11 / author: / source:

A scam occurs when investors "invest" through "professional" traders, who use their money to profit.

This sounds good, especially for beginners who don't know what to do or don't have time to learn.

They think, 'He's' professional' - he must know what he's doing! It's better than trading on my own. '100Times

The problem is that the user will/Her money was handed over to a completely unfamiliar person, who she trusted completely.

To some extent, it's like taking candy from a baby.

Foreign Exchange Account Manager648 / author: / source:

In this way, the money was easily obtained.

There are many cases in management accounts where managers allocate a portion of money to purchase luxury goods such as cars, islands, castles, etc

When caught, the manager may not be able to repay all the embezzled funds, causing customers to be unhappy and resulting in lawsuits worth millions of yuan.

Of course, this is a bit extreme, but in most cases, such things will happen and people will lose all their investments.

Although not all account managers are bad people. Some do have years of trading experience and are fully capable of conducting actual transactions, but this is usually an exception rather than a routine.

Some trading platforms even offer options for traders to become managers and use brokerage structured accounts.

This prevents people from diverting funds to watch movies, travel, or drive sports cars.

Foreign Exchange Account Manager365 / author: / source:

Compared to having independent managers trade with your money, this is a safer option, but you still lack researchForeign exchange transactionsGain invaluable knowledge and experience.

If there is anything we need to emphasize to traders, it is learning. There is no substitute for experience gained through personal learning and trading. Ultimately, the path to success in the foreign exchange market is to be knowledgeable, practice diligently, and adhere to principles.

We leave you a question.

Would you hand over the hard earned money to a completely unfamiliar person?

If you still want to use a foreign exchange manager, please ensure that you have done a good job in the preliminary work and that the manager you have found is trustworthy.

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