Transaction log data

2023-3-3 09:33| Publisher: 5566| see: 256| comment: 0

abstract: Your bottom line(All profits and losses)It can help you understand your overall trading performance, and recording data will help you discover which parts of your trading system, plan, and process allow you to move forward like a debugged racing car rather than a rundown old car. Your performance will help you determine what is feasible and what is not ...

Your bottom line(All profits and losses)It can help you understand your overall trading performance, and recording data will help you discover which parts of your trading system, plan, and process are driving you forward like a well tuned racing car rather than a rundown old car.

Transaction log data697 / author: / source:

Your performance will help you determine what is feasible, what is not feasible, and what areas need improvement. The following is the data that at least needs to be recorded to track the lifeline of your system:

Net profit:

This is your total income minus total losses and expenses. Expenses include equipment costs, commissions, and other costs.

Profit ratio:

That is, the total revenue divided by the total number of transactions. What is your profit ratio?

Loss ratio:

That is, the total loss divided by the total number of transactions. What is your loss ratio?

Maximum profit trading:

It will be removed from your "average profit" calculation. It is not necessary to do so, but if you have abnormal large profits compared to other profit situations, removing them will make your trading situation and expectations more accurate.

Maximum Damaged Transactions:

The price will be deducted from your average loss calculation. It is not necessary to do so, but if you have abnormal and significant losses compared to other damaged conditions, removing them will make your trading situation and expectations more accurate.

Average trading return:

Processed by the computer itself, the total profit is divided by the number of profitable transactions.

Average trading loss:

Processed by the computer itself, the total loss is divided by the number of damaged transactions.

Return on each transaction:

Average trading profit minus average trading loss

Average holding time:

Total holding events divided by trading volume.

long position/Short Trading Profit and Loss:

This data helps determine which type of transaction or trading environment you perform better in.

maximum#Continuous losses:

This data helps you determine your biggest loss, or it can be said to be the worst scenario you have experienced.

average#Continuous losses:

This data helps you determine your average loss size and helps you control the maximum possible risk of loss.

Maximum shrinkage of trading account:

The maximum amount of loss in your account after experiencing a series of damaged transactions.

Record feelings and errors:

The quality of your transaction execution can be measured, and your mental state during trading can also be measured. Recording your feelings can help you avoid trading in a depressed state - for example, when you wake up with a news event happening(You forgot)It drives rapid market changes, and you are eager to catch up. But your computer crashed, you lost your strength, and your dog happened to run into the traffic and crash to death. When you go online again, you will find that the market has moved in the direction you want to buy100Point. Don't you get angry when such things happen? That's because your mood must be bad, so it's a bad idea to continue trading for the rest of the day.


Simply put, expectation is the profit you want to achieve in each transaction(The losses suffered). This value can be obtained by multiplying the profit ratio by the average profit minus the loss ratio by the average loss. This data helps you determine the correct position size and the profitability of your trading methods.

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Ideally, you should take note of all these data so that you can compare and analyze your trading performance over a period of time.

For example, at the end of the year, Zhang San reviews his year-end trading. After reviewing all the trades, he found that he had unconsciously engaged in trades that deviated from the trend. With this understanding, he can adjust his trading to avoid deviating from trend trading and achieve better trading performance.

The purpose of collecting and recording this data is to find ways to expand your expectations(Profit earned from each transaction)The method helps you determine the correct position size and the most suitable trading environment for you.

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