A lively and difficult labor: several highlights and analysis of the US election

2020-11-6 15:17| Publisher: 2233| see: 739| comment: 0|original author: Li Jin Mary|come from: FTChinese

abstract: Li Jin and Mary: The big question currently facing people is how will the President elected today and supporters of both parties in the United States face a country with numerous gaps? Weber once talked about the official system in the United States as a highly capitalist political organization in his speech "Politics as a Cause" a hundred years ago ...
Li Jin and Mary: The big question currently facing people is how will the President elected today and supporters of both parties in the United States face a country with numerous gaps?

A lively and difficult labor: several highlights and analysis of the US election397 / author:Li Jin Mary / source:FTChinese

Weber once talked about the American bureaucratic system in his speech "Politics as a Cause" a hundred years ago, as a highly capitalist organized political interest that relies solely on political domination to extract benefits. The reason for this is that the United States, as an emerging country, has a high degree of democracy and can withstand "twists and turns". But Weber is worried that once the democratic system gradually withers, American politics-How can society continue? His answer is, "We still don't know how to change this situation?" Today, during the US election, we are still facing this question.

Point 1: Although Biden received the most popular votes in history, he still hasn't declared victory

On the evening of election day, Americans sat around the television, watched the progress of counting votes, and waited for the name of the next president to be announced by several authoritative channels. This has become the addition of the "Super Bowl"(Super Bowl)A cultural custom beyond. But in the2020In New Year, Americans had to spend several sleepless nights to see the direction of the election. stay11month3On the evening of the day, people waiting for the arrival of the "blue tide" and hoping for more votes to oust Trump, saw the anxious election situation between the two candidates and expressed strong unease on Twitter. People are confused, and when the epidemic becomes uncontrollable11In multiple states, there are actually40%Eighty percent of Americans are willing to choose Trump. Many people remember,2016The anticipation of the new year is also like this, as time passes, watching the TV screen becomes a nightmare. Some people also reminded that the counting station usually calculates the votes on election day first, then others, and finally it is the turn to mail the votes. So, this is a waiting that requires extreme patience.

When Biden has become the presidential candidate with the highest number of votes in American history, it also means that Trump has become the first presidential candidate in American history to lose both universal suffrage votes. At present, these ballot data are sufficient for us to understand2020Basic overview of the election year. Firstly, Michigan's support for Biden has caught up and far surpassed Hillary's, with more votes attributed to African American groups near Detroit(80%-90%)。 This is also the place where Michigan is most affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Secondly, the proportion of women supporting Biden has significantly increased. The Atlantic Monthly pointed out that "in this most important history of America's division due to elections, it was not the differences between the 'white' and 'colored' groups, but the differences between men and women. During the Trump administration, the largest gender gap in American society has been created." This data summary is consistent with the analysis of many scholars, which is that the Trump administration has always catered to a white supremacy A trend (or counter trend) dominated by patriarchal ideology.

An article in Atlantic Monthly pointed out that the media still uses traditional color bar charts, which can mislead the public's understanding, as the distribution of voting populations has undergone significant changes with urbanization and population migration. Although the rural areas that support Trump have far fewer people and votes than the Democratic areas in big cities, the large red blocks surrounding several blue blocks on the election map still appear to support the Republican Party more. However, this has always been influenced by the2020There is a significant discrepancy in the actual situation of the year, as a large number of areas that were originally red have been turned blue. If replaced with color dots and stereograms, it will better represent the weighting of population.

Point 2: The "embarrassing" operation of the Trump Law Firm

from11month3Starting from the evening, Trump began a series of "embarrassing" operations. He's here first4In the early morning of the day, he announced his election and began organizing a legal team to file a lawsuit. Two days later, Biden took Michigan and left270Zhang's electoral team votes are only short17Despite losing the eye-catching state of Florida, the vote still holds a significant advantage. At this point, the counting of votes in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania progressed slowly.

to11month5On the day, the lawyer for Trump's campaign team went to Arizona to demand "continued counting of votes" because Trump did not have enough votes. But in Georgia, the same team of lawyers demanded a "stop counting votes" to maintain the advantage that Trump had already gained there. This inconsistent operation has angered the public. Peace marches have taken place in multiple cities, demanding that "every vote be counted"(Count Every Vote)。 Right here11month4On the day, a large number of Trump supporters have rushed to the Michigan vote counting station, tapping on the glass door and demanding that the staff inside "stop counting votes". However, the results for Michigan came out quickly, and Biden had more votes here than here2016Ten times as old as Hillary.

According to survey data from USA Today,77%Americans (including91%The Democratic Party and64%Republicans are concerned that there will be no peaceful handover after the election results are released. During protest rallies in several cities, local police arrested some peaceful protesters who opposed Trump's expected vote, while armed Trump supporters cheered and watched. This scene is the same as what happened in the Michigan government during the summer.

Trump said on Twitter that regardless of the election results, he will be brought to the Supreme Court for trial. But in reality, several of his lawsuits in Georgia were dismissed. An election law lawyer said, "Their lawsuit is written like a primary school student, with no verifiable facts." A Los Angeles law professor also told the mediaProPublicaIt is said that if such a lawsuit is filed, the Trump team will need to raise additional funds if there are no verifiable facts and it is just a tweet with high legal fees300Ten thousand dollars, and they no longer have money, and their previous campaign budget was significantly lower than the Biden team.

Point 3: The media can't see clearly, changing their face to protect themselves

When the vote counting in Arizona arrives90%At that time, the main media platform that supported Trump, Fox News, surprisingly "defected" and announced that Biden had already taken control of Arizona, including this state, before other media outlets announced its return to Biden264Two electoral votes. This angered a group of Trump supporters outside the Arizona ticket station, shouting "Fox News is too bad!" You know, Fox News was the largest media platform in Trump's ticket warehouse before, and this change is also surprising.

On the other hand, several mainstream media outlets that have been criticizing Trump have begun inviting Republican officials to appear and discuss their predictions of the election. This sudden change in art style has made many people uncomfortable, protesting why the media invited these politicians, whom they previously referred to as unethical, to speak, further confusing the public. The timely changes in mainstream media positions mirror the "defection" of Fox News.

In a sense, the American media is indeed a snobbish field, constantly using a dull sense of smell to find power centers, ignoring their already marginalized roles. asCNNWhen announcing the overall voting results, among white people(65%)Hispanic(13%)African Americans(12%)And Asians(3%)Afterwards, I made one“Something Else”Category of(6%)。 After being questioned by the audience, it was later announced that it was an Indian voter, which was greatly criticized.

Highlight 4: The "Two Cities" of Latinos: Political refugees mostly support Trump, while economic refugees mostly support Biden

Biden's loss of Florida was a surprising thing. The media reports are attributed to a large number of Cuban voters voting for Trump. But why? It should be noted that Cuban immigrants are the biggest beneficiaries of Obama's healthcare plan, and Trump's policy is to completely abolish this plan. Some scholars point out that most Hispanic immigrants in this region (including those from socialist countries such as Cuba and Venezuela) use political asylum as green card immigrants, and their fear of "socialism" is greater than other dimensions. Therefore, they tend to believe more in the Trump campaign's smear of Biden and the Democratic Party's "socialist" policies.

Interestingly, in Arizona, it was Latino voters who voted for Biden, which turned the situation around. How to explain the opposite roles played by Hispanics in Florida and Arizona? Scholars have pointed out that Latinos in Arizona (Puerto Rico, Mexico) are mainly economic immigrants, so they are less likely to be manipulated by the Trump campaign's politicized propaganda on "socialism" and only need to vote based on their own economic policies. This difference is very important, leading to the fact that among Cuban immigrants who are also Hispanic, there are71%Voted for Trump, and among Puerto Rican immigrants66%Vote for Biden.

This culturally conservative political asylum group's admiration and support for American "lighthouse ism" formed a stable alliance when encountering what Trump called "conservatism", which was difficult to shake. This phenomenon also occurs among political asylum groups such as Vietnam and China. For example, an item2020The results of the Asian American survey in,48%Vietnamese political refugees support Trump,36%Support Biden. asVoxA report analyzed that "many first generation Vietnamese were already very conservative, and they left a communist country. They disliked liberal politics, many believed in religion, and believed in the American Dream." Among these Asian American groups, there was a significant gap between the first and second generation immigrants, who tended to be more inclined towards democratization.2020The annual election also caused unprecedented divisions in many families.

Among the first generation of Asian political refugees, most people fully believe in Trump's views on Twitter and conspiracy theory. As new immigrants, they are not very familiar with English and cannot keep up with the fast pace of American media. In their media environment, a large number of Vietnamese and Chinese information pollution appeared, most of which were translated versions of the conspiracy theory in the English world, which were also fully accepted and warmly supported by them. Although Trump has repeatedly said that COVID-19 is a "Chinese virus", causing more and more Asians to suffer discrimination and retaliation, these political refugees still do not change their original intention and support Trump's statement.

Point 5: "Hard necked" white evangelical

In the Bible, God often refers to Israel's rebellious people as "stiff necked". from2016Year to2020In, this term is most suitable for white evangelicals who support Trump. As a highly active group in public life in the United States, they are obsessed with unilateralizing and politicizing the issues of "abortion" and "homosexuality", gaining support from a large number of evangelical churches and causing many churches to split. stay2016Year,81%Of the white evangelicals who voted for Trump, the latter also kept sending signals like evangelical voters frequently in subsequent policies (conservative justices), public behavior (using tear gas to disperse people while holding up the Bible in front of the church) and rhetoric ("Biden will harm God"). This two-way speculation is clearly2020In the year, Trump received a solid return. Based on the current count of votes,76%White evangelicals still choose Trump.

However, this is not the reason why we can completely ridicule "evangelicals", "religious rightists", and "bottom white people". There is a complex social mechanism that is largely overshadowed by religion and race. The first point is economic reasons. From recent data from the US National Census, it can be seen that the composition of the so-called "abandoned bottom white" and "evangelical" in the economy largely overlaps. In addition to economic and religious demands, there is also an aversion among ordinary people towards elite politics, which is one reason why people identify with Trump - 'he is the same person as us'. When Weber observed American politics, he also mentioned this in "Politics as a Cause". When you ask American workers why they are willing to choose politicians they despise to govern the country, they will answer, We are willing to let those who can spit in their faces become officials, rather than letting those who are in office spit in our faces, just like you... "This tradition still affects many groups of people.

Point 6: COVID-19 is not here11month4The sun disappears and instead reaches its highest value

Trump said on more than one public occasion, "Wait and see, after the election day, the COVID-19 will disappear." Many Americans believe that the shocking figures infected with the COVID-19 are fabricated by the Democratic Party in order to defeat Trump and let the mainstream media. However,11month4The number of Americans infected with COVID-19 exceeded10Wan, yes3The highest day since the beginning of the month. On Twitter, some healthcare professionals continue to remind the public not to forget about the epidemic due to anxious selection, but to still pay attention to wearing masks and washing hands frequently.

Death of Profession(The Death of Expertise)The author of a book, Nichols(Tom Nichols)Writing in Atlantic Monthly, he wrote that "no matter how the election ended, the United States has changed." Before that, the world saw the extensive continuation of the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States and Trump's dereliction of duty. The preliminary election data also made people realize that almost half of the Americans would still vote for such a person. Nichols wrote disappointedly, "They cannot pretend not to know how Trump will govern. They know, and they still embrace him and demand that he work for another four years

stay11month3In the evening, the American people also realized the same terrifying reality: the person who chose Trump, as well as this angry and childish person, were both irritable and full of hatred. What kind of America is this? Even if Biden wins in the end, many Americans will be disappointed that there is not enough people to come forward and condemn the "abnormal" state in the past four years, including the border separation of undocumented immigrants, withdrawal from multiple international organizations, COVID-19 'negative view and the resurgence of white supremacy.

European media also reflect that the election process has shown other democratic countries that the political mechanisms of the United States, after four years of turmoil by a madman, are already fragile and have exposed problems that are already difficult to return. Even if Trump steps down, "Trumpism" still lingers like a ghost among a large number of voters, searching for the next subject. After this crisis, European countries also hope to maintain distance from the United States.

This election is full of nervousness and even the possibility of social change and instability. However, the big question currently facing people is how will the president elected today and supporters of both parties in the United States face a country with numerous gaps?

(Note: Li Jin, a scholar of intellectual history; Ma Li, a sociologist. This article only represents the author's personal views.)
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