RCEPWhat does it mean?

2020-11-15 22:18| Publisher: 2233| see: 610| comment: 0|come from: Lukevin Studio

abstract: I've been talking about it for eight yearsRCEPFinally, at2020year11month15Japan signed an agreement in Hanoi, Vietnam. Looking at everyone's joy and relief now, we didn't notice that this was just one of the two major events in business diplomacy this year, and the other was the China Europe Investment Agreement, which is still being discussed.RCEPI've been talking for eight years ...
I've been talking about it for eight yearsRCEPFinally, at2020year11month15Japan signed an agreement in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Looking at everyone's joy and relief now, we didn't notice that this was just one of the two major events in business diplomacy this year, and the other was the China Europe Investment Agreement, which is still being discussed.

RCEPAfter eight years of negotiations, the China Europe Investment Agreement has also been discussed for seven years, all of which have been about thirty rounds. When I was working on design, I had to make ten rounds of revisions to a graphic design, and when I saw that manuscript, I felt nauseous and choked the hearts of the first party. It is estimated that after thirty rounds, our negotiators will soon be able to talk about it. However, the two matters are of great significance, and we have to discuss them even if we grit our teeth. After seven or eight years of ups and downs, it is estimated that they will end this year.

RCEPWhat does it mean?819 / author: / source:Lukevin Studio

The negotiations are divided into two parts, one is text negotiations, and the other is market access negotiations.

Text negotiation refers to what we have agreed on and the specific implementation of the text, which involves a large number of legal provisions and lengthy details.

Market access means that when you come to do business with me, there must be some basic conditions. You can't come with any cat or dog. For example, when you come to do food business, you must have at least a food quality certificate. In addition, I also have a limit to not let you play too high. For example, the corn purchase agreement signed between Mexico and the United States in the past actually has market access, allowing only a few million tons of American corn to be imported per year, which cannot exceed this amount, But American corn is cheap. In order to make more money, Mexican elite groups abandoned the interests of farmers and imported American corn without limits, treating contracts as waste paper, causing a large number of farmers to go bankrupt. Farmers had to throw hoes and carry themAK47I went to become a drug dealer.

For ordinary people, national macro policies are intangible. When most farmers become drug dealers, they only know how to make a living, but do not know that there are economic laws driving them towards designated positions.

RECPNow that the negotiations have been completed and the agreement has been signed, the final point of the China Europe Investment Agreement and market access have not been finalized, and it may be possible to finalize it this year.

RECPAfter completion, it is mainly helpful for import and export enterprises to reduce operating costs. Countries that have signed contracts have increased the mobility of goods, technology, services, capital, and personnel, making it easier for everyone to invest in each other. The same rules also make it easier for people from outside the region to come in and invest, helping everyone attract foreign investment together.

2018The total trade volume of China in4.6Trillion dollars, sign nowRECPOther agreements14Countries, it takes up1.3Signing this agreement, worth trillions of dollars, greatly benefits China's foreign trade enterprises and stabilizes investment.

becauseRECPAfter the agreement is signed, it will be90%The above tax items will be subject to zero tariffs, which may increase to95%Products under the tax category.

This tax reduction process is gradually implemented. It's not like waking up tomorrow morning and rushing to notify everyone that all products have zero tariffs, but rather reducing them first after signing an agreement65%Customs duties,10Reduce to within the year80%Slowly reduce to90%Everything has a process of adaptation, and when dating a girlfriend, one must first start by holding hands, otherwise the progress will be too fast for everyone's physical and mental health. This tax reduction plan may take more than ten years to fully implement.

However, everyone is running towards this beautiful hope, and the most beautiful wish is to import wool duty-free from New Zealand to China. China will weave it into high-quality fabric, and then ship the fabric duty-free to Vietnam. Vietnam will use cheap labor costs to turn the fabric into clothing, and then ship it to Japan, South Korea, or other countries around the world.

Due to the fact that this flow process has always been tax-free, clothing costs have been suppressed, and the competitive advantages of various people in the industry chain have been strengthened. If Peruvians also want to engage in the clothing industry, because cost control cannot be controlled, they will not be able to play in Vietnam, as well as New Zealand, China, South Korea, and others who benefit from it. It is equivalent to signing this agreement, and we are a family. Once we have met the boss, we will cut people together in the future, and everyone will contribute, No more duplicate protection fees.

RCEPWhat does it mean?694 / author: / source:Lukevin Studio

In this way, factories in Hanoi, Vietnam, and fabric companies in Keqiao, China will all benefit. Everyone can expand production and recruit more employees, wouldn't it be wonderful?

China also particularly needs thisRECPThe agreement states that we are the world's largest manufacturing country and require a large amount of basic resources. Australia's iron ore and New Zealand's coarse wool are our upstream necessities. Reducing costs increases the competitiveness of our products, which can offset the adverse factors of rising labor costs. In addition, we also need ASEAN, a huge market where reducing tariffs can make our products sell more happily, We can also buy cheap Japanese and Korean products. (I'm not sure if Lexus tariffs will be lowered a bit)

Simply put, one is to reduce manufacturing costs, and the other is to help open up the market. We rely on manufacturing to make a living, and the products we produce are cost-effective and require someone to buy them.

So what's going on in Australia? Aren't we hitting Tuo O these past few months? Sign nowRECPIsn't it beneficial for Tuo O?

This needs to be viewed dialectically. Australia does indeed have Madonna's disease and is also flirting with anti China forces, so it is necessary to give it a good education in the short term. However, in the long run, who will sell Australia's iron ore to if it is not sold to us? Who in the world can still eat so much iron ore? China is not looking for nearby Australian imported iron ore, is it looking for other countries that travel thousands of miles? Do you pay for the express delivery fee? The interests of the two countries are actually deeply bound, and in the long run, good relations between the two countries are most conducive to common interests.

When the Asia Pacific region stabilizes, Tuo O will inevitably surrender. This is only a matter of time. At this stage, it is a period of rebellion, not adapting to the new boss, wanting to be a thorn in the side, and lacking in coordination.

But once this agreement is signed, one country or province will be unhappy.

That country is called India, and that province is called Taiwan.

India has been struggling here for many years,2019One of the main reasons why Nian fled in the face of battle was because they had high tariffs, were reluctant to part with them, and felt heartbroken. Secondly, because their manufacturing industry is too weak, do you still remember the slum workshops I mentioned in the India Survey Report? The workers inside work all day long12One hour, take it30-40In a day of RMB, all manual workers work tirelessly to create various products, such as clothing, leather goods, and pots and pans, all produced in these small workshops. There is no industrial assembly line, and the speed is slow and the quality is random. If the products from Guangzhou and Yiwu are sold, they will be taught how to behave every minute.

I have also analyzed that these small workshops are the lifeblood of slums. Coupled with cheap education and living systems, the people in the slums can survive. If Chinese goods are rushed in duty-free, cheap and of good quality, the workers in the small workshops will be dumbfounded. Who will buy their goods? Unemployment is inevitable, and the entire ecosystem of the slums is about to explode. Indians also have to go shopping for zero yuan every day.

India itself does not agree to the tax exemption plan under the grand agreement and demands that ASEAN countries80%Duty-free goods, China Australia New Zealand42.5%Our products are duty-free, Japan and South Korea65%Our products are duty-free, which is beyond discussion. It's disgusting to everyone. In the middle, China also advised India that we won't be so aggressive. You can set an import limit, but India has no confidence in it. I'm afraid it's the same as Mexico buying American corn, so2019India packed up its own things and left in the year.

At first, Japan was too domineering, saying that India was my little friend. If he didn't participate, I wouldn't either. Later, I also took it, but I still joined firstRCEPBut the leader left a gap for India, allowing it to come up with ideas before joining at any time, but it cannot be arbitrary and must comply with everyone's game rules.

Many people may not know that India's relationship with Japan is quite strong. Everyone knows that India had Gandhi who was "non violent and non cooperative" when opposing British colonization, but there was also Chandra who liked to engage in violence.Baus is one of the three portraits of the Indian Parliament, and the other two are Gandhi and Nehru. They hold a high position in India. During the independence struggle, this person begged Germany and the Soviet Union, but did not ignore him. Later, he went to Japan to seek help. Japan was trying to control South Asia, so he gave Chandra the Indian soldiers captured by the British army in East Asia. He also recruited Indian expatriates from Southeast Asia, organized an Imperial Alliance, and joined forces with the Japanese army to fight against Britain. What's funny is that, In the Battle of Impal, this coalition army was defeated by Britain.

But Indians think the Japanese are interesting enough, losing is losing. Anyway, we haven't won a few times in thousands of years, after all, we won't be different from Japan in the future.

India inRCEPOn the issue, the main reason for all kinds of demonic behavior is that the country is poor, and we can only search and find ways to save a little. We are still thinking about it in front of the wall.

In fact, anyone sitting in Modi's position has a headache, and the basic situation of the country is like this. If you want to benefit from it, but you are afraid of being wiped out by the wave of Yiwu in Guangzhou, it's really difficult to handle.

Another depressing aspect is Taiwan Province.

RCEPThere is no Taiwan on the list, which is simply a encirclement for Taiwan Province.

RCEPMore than a dozen countries signed contracts, accounting for 70% of Taiwan's imports and exports70%If these countries are angry with each other and everyone brushes down tariffs together, how will Taiwan play? Who is still doing business with Taiwan Island?

Taiwan's current trade surplus mainly comes from the mainland of China, which accounts for half of Taiwan's import and export trade volume30%About, contributing approximately800A trade surplus of one billion US dollars, accounting for 20% of Taiwan's total surplus70%about.

Cai Caizi, on the one hand, is anti mainland, and the business volume with mainland China has increased from2016Since the beginning of the year, it has never decreased, so the mainland is signing a contractRCEPPreviously, it was introduced with great care that the26This26If the bar is too long, I won't be able to write it down. If you are interested, you can find it yourself. In short, I would like to tell Taiwanese businessmen that if you have difficulty earning money, you can come to mainland China. Welcome to settle down and build a factory. There are many discounts here, let's build our motherland together.

26The bar is in coordinationRCEPThe combination of punches, but even if Taiwanese businessmen do not come over, it is estimated that under the new tariff system, Taiwan's economy will be severely affected, and the fiscal revenue supporting Taiwan's labor and health insurance will be difficult to sustain.

China is handlingRCEPWhen it comes to this matter, we have always been extremely low-key and claim to be led by ASEAN. We have only made a small and insignificant contribution without hesitation,2011Proposed inRCEPIt's Indonesia,2012The official negotiations announced in Cambodia,2013The annual discussion clause is in Brunei,2016The joint statement was issued in the Philippines in,2019The collective attendance of leaders from participating countries in the year was in Thailand,2020The home stadium for the signing of the agreement was in Vietnam. Almost all important milestones, conferences, and declarations occur in Southeast Asian countries.

This also saves some forces from pointing fingers and saying that China is expanding outward, invading the economy, and having a pirate background makes everything look like pirates.

of courseRCEPThere are other important strategic significance, such as reducing dependence on the US dollar, stabilizing the regional economy, and attracting Japan and South Korea. However, these are relatively distant things. We should first earn the money we should earn and put it in the bag for safety.

RCEPThe agreement and the China Europe Investment Agreement will be2020The two major events in China's foreign trade and trade field in indicate that China will continue to deepen reform and opening up. In fact, they also indicate that after Trump's four years of killing all sides, we will continue to globalizeRCEP14The small hands of our national and EU partners firmly hold onto each other, telling them to have money to contribute and make strong contributions. We also welcome them to come and make money, as long as they do not follow bad people around.

At the end of the article, I suddenly wanted to talk about Trump.

It was precisely because Trump came to power four years ago that he was immediately extinguishedTPPThat's why we have todayRCEPAchievements.

But everyone needs to reflect on why Trump wanted to go extinctTPPWhat about it? becauseTPPIt is harmful to white Americans with rust bands. White Americans with rust bands have had enough of it and want to pit us. In a fit of anger, they voted for Trump.

I always feel that Trump is particularly like Wei Zhongxian in the late Ming Dynasty, while the Democratic Party and some pro establishment factions are particularly like the Donglin Party. (I will write an article titled 'Trump and Wei Zhongxian' in a few days to talk about it well)

Trump hopes not to waste national public funds, only to shrink the military, to make the finances look better, and to reach out to the allies for money. In short, it is to open up resources and reduce expenses, which is the same as Wei Zhongxian's historical mission. The Donglin Party is lying on the empire and sucking blood, abandoning the middle and lower class people, unwilling to contribute to the country.

Back then, the Donglin Party controlled the finance and taxation of Jiangnan, and the government couldn't even collect taxes. It's strange not to fall.

Now look at itTPPThe destruction of, watchRCEPI always have some insights as I watch Trump's rise and fall.

In this world, there have always been three forces that control society: government, religion, and capital.

Religion was originally very powerful, and even if the king offended the church, he had to kneel at the Pope's door to admit his mistake. Later, religion was tamed, and in modern countries, most of the government and capital were vying for control of society.

It's not that capital is necessarily a bad child, but economic laws determine that capital needs to expand infinitely. He can't stop the car and can only run forward with his head covered.

The control of capital over the country must start with education and medical care. The United States is now paying exorbitant tuition fees for college education, and during the COVID-19 period, it will kill the poor regardless of their lives21Ten thousand people, these are all the results of capital controlling the country.

At the time of the rising national fortune, the government and capital were at peace, and if the country entered the stock period, there would be huge friction between the government and capital, causing internal competition and division. Moreover, every country and every dynasty had a strange pattern: the stronger the early government, the stronger the late capital. At first, capital was weak, but later it could gradually penetrate and control the government.

Now China is striving to go global by seeking more new additions and avoiding internal competition within the country.

RCEPWhether it's the China Europe agreement or breaking through the first and second island chains, it's all about going global and finding incremental wealth.

And when China steps outRCEPOn this day, Americans were in Beijing time11month15On the streets of Washington, defending and mocking Trump caused each other to be beaten to death.

The laws of history are actually close at hand. For the future of our nation, we can only move forward with great strides and continue to face the sea of stars.

Source: Lukevin Studio
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