Relying on technology makes us stupid?

2022-11-24 23:18| Publisher: 7788| see: 301| comment: 0|come from: Financial Times

abstract: Only through effort and repetition can we truly remember useful knowledge, and relying too much on artificial intelligence can hinder us from doing so. I am driving back home from Palo Alto to San Francisco, and I have driven this route dozens of times. But this time I encountered a problem: my phone ran out of battery; I didn't have the entire itineraryGPS。 I ...
Only through effort and repetition can we truly remember useful knowledge, and relying too much on artificial intelligence can hinder us from doing so.

Relying on technology makes us stupid?53 / author: / source:Financial Times

I am driving back home from Palo Alto to San Francisco, and I have driven this route dozens of times. But this time I encountered a problem: my phone ran out of battery; I didn't have the entire itineraryGPS。 I missed the exit and lost my way in despair on the street less than a mile from home. How embarrassing, I kept saying that I loved this city, but at that moment, I felt like I hardly understood it. Suddenly, I lost my technology product and couldn't even find my way because I never really needed to learn the route.

I am not opposing the use ofGPS。 I only propose this point to prove that efficient technology can become a learning barrier. Only through effort and repetition can we truly remember useful knowledge, without any shortcuts.

GPT-3It is one of the most advanced artificial intelligence systems in the world, and there have been many reports about it. It can do things that were considered only in science fiction a few years ago, such as generating articles that sound very real, or translating between languages it has never seen before. It learns from a large amount of text and then makes predictions based on this data for translation.

The previous paragraph was also written by it, using only 'about'GPT-3There are already many reports on it, "a reminder. I don't think I will ever fall into the clich é of writing 'things that only happen in science fiction'

This type of text generated by artificial intelligence has caused waves in the academic community. This is a turning point, and we should act cautiously from now on. 《Vice》A recent article provides a detailed introduction to how a group of students useGPT-3——And other similar artificial intelligence text programs - to do the hard work of writing papers, filling in context with it, thereby saving time. Due to the "uniqueness" of text generated by artificial intelligence, it allows students to avoid anti plagiarism detection software. A student said, "I just use artificial intelligence to handle things I don't want to do or feel meaningless

Have these students cheated? You can make convincing arguments in both directions. Perhaps even simpler is to ask these students if they are deceiving themselves, and the answer is definitely yes. The key to consolidating memory is what students don't want to do. Writing, reflection, memory, and cycle back and forth.

skill comes from practice. We have all heard of the "Ten Thousand Hour Rule" - it is said that it takes such a long and intense practice to master a certain skill - but we have many ways to prove this: repetition means remembering. Remembering means learning and mastering.

Hermann Ebbinghaus(Hermann Ebbinghaus)He is a psychologist who studies the benefits of repetition, using "forgetting curves" and "interval learning" to prove this. The forgetting curve indicates that if knowledge is not consciously remembered, it will be forgotten over time; Interval learning refers to regular review. His research has influenced our way of learning for over a century. That's the difference between becoming an expert and just passing exams. If the algorithm does the hard work, students should also“A”Is it? His or her understanding of the relevant topic is not clearer than my understanding of the direction of going home.

In addition, experts studying today's artificial intelligence capabilities have also issued more straightforward warnings about its use. Nathan Baches(Nathan Baschez)yesLex.PageCreator of, this is a word processing system that can callGPT-3To enrich your sentences. Baches told me that in a "high-risk" environment such as journalism or academia, it should be used very cautiously.

He said:“GPT-3Being able to fabricate facts that do not exist at all and say useless nonsense But it will only become better. It has been learning. And are we?

Dave Lee(Dave Lee)It's a reporter from the Financial Times in San Francisco
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